How Many Times is Odell

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How many times is Odell going to go to Six Flags. Oh my God, he moved out to LA and it seems he go every damn week. 😂😂😂😂

I was looking at ben's snap (Bendadonnn) and I'm like what the hell? 😂😂😂

I also so a girl in the back. I think O was sitting in the back with her. I'm not sure don't quote me. But She had short cut hair this time (so she wasn't any of the previous field) and of course she was from our lighter complexion sistern and when she noticed Ben was filming she ducked so hard. 💀

I'm sorry if Im about to be a groupie, bitch you gon see me. I'm not hiding. You gon see that I am with Odell Cornelious Thee Beckham.

Dear White Girl With The Bob Cut That Ducked Harder Than When George Bush Ducked When They Threw That Shoe at His Head,

You deserve more out the deal
Than some private grinding sessions. Get your camera time. Stunt on these hoes. Let us see your face so we can whoop your ass when we see you at the doe. 😂😂😂

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