Speechless - 13

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"Well hello there Barlow."

Courtney looked the pierced kid up and down. He held a red cup in his hands, people passing by was making it shake and you can see purple liquids falling onto the floor. He looked at Courtney and smirked.

"I would have never thought, I'd ever see you at a party, you know, considering you're a stick in the ass." Duncan laughed.

"Nice to know that's how you think of me." She thought to herself. Courtney sighed and looked around and softly mumbled, "I really don't wanna be here to be honest."

"Too much sweaty teenagers running around drunk?" Duncan asked. She slightly chuckled.

"Here, come with me." He said as he held his hand out to her. She looked at him, unsure of what was gonna happen if she left with him and took it.

He led her through the crowd of drunk teens and out the door. "Hey Courtney, where are you going?" Jose asked suspiciously. She shrugged and continued to leave with Duncan.

"Here put this on," he handed her a bike helmet and started up his engine. "Come on get on." Courtney hesitated before sitting on the backseat of his bike and before she knew it was roaring down the street.

"Where are you taking me?"


"I said where are you taking me?!" She shouted louder.

"I don't know!" He said with a smirk. Courtney's eyes widened and she sighed.

"Your voice sounds really pretty!" He shouted.

Bridgette's POV
"I'm sorry for calling you a guy Bridge, it's just that I get really nervous talking to someone as great as you." Geoff said sheepishly. I smiled widely and hugged the party animal.

"It's alright."

Gwen's POV
"So do you wanna leave this party and go somewhere more entertaining?" Trent said. I softly smiled and looked around.

"Where though?"

"I say we go to the nearest movie theatre and watch the dumbest film and then mock it." He said grabbing his guitar.

"Then can we sneak into another movie?"

"Hey are you reading my mind?" I chuckled at his question.

Duncan's POV
"Alright we're here."

A cemetery, Courtney looked around uncomfortably.

"Why did you bring me here?" She asked

"To show you, that you're not alone." I smiled, looking at my friends grave, and remembering all the memories we used to share with one another. I smiled, because I remembered how much I loved my brother.

"Hey, I know everyone's supposed to be scared of me, but you don't have to." I said smirking.

"You're a real sweetheart Duncan Nelson." She said softly. We walked down the graveyard, towards the motorcycle she quickly grew to hate.

"Well I never thought I'd be hearing you speak," I replied back. She looked at me and sighed. Unsure of what to say.

"I have Aspergers Syndrome," she said while looking down. Seemed as if she was embarrassed to even admit it, but why would she tell me.

"What's Aspergers?" I asked.

"It's a disorder affecting the ability for people to fall in social settings," she said answering my question. "For other people, communicating is easy but for people like me, when I'm overwhelmed or frustrated in a situation that involves talking I struggle to so I just shut down and keep myself silent rather than talk because I'm not comfortable enough to," she added.

I rubbed the back of my neck, wow, all this time I just thought she didn't like these people enough to talk to them. "Have you always been this way?" I asked.

"She looked up at me and frowned, "No, it started to occur when I was 8 after... after my mom died, I was diagnosed with it. So I can talk, it just takes me time to talk effectively because I never really know what to say or which emotion to turn on in certain situations. Ever since what happened to my mom, and my dad being in the hospital, I just stopped communicating."

"Hey you know what's weird?" I asked.


"I feel like I've known you forever."

"Well maybe... in our past life?" She replied back.

"Thanks for opening up about what you went through," I said looking at her as we walked.

"Thanks for making me feel comfortable enough to tell you, considering you're the only one who knows besides relatives." She smiled at me.

Gwen's POV
"That movie wasn't that bad you know.." I said as Trent and I entered the second movie we decided to sneak into.

He chuckled and sat down. "Yea, it really hit me when Nemo saved all those fishes." I agreed instantly.

"What are we even watching anyways?" I asked looking at the screen.

"It looks like a rom-com." He replied.

"Oh wonderful." They both said and laughed.

Courtney's POV
"Thanks for bringing home, and for that fun trip."

"Even though it was sad and creepy?" He replied.

"Especially." I said smiling.

We bit our lip and looked up at the sharp moon lighting the sky. Then back at each other. "Is this the part where I kiss you?" He asked as I blushed.

"Well, let's see." I said leaning in.

"Oh Courtney, you're home!" Lucy said bursting out of the house. Duncan looked at her as did I.

"Catch you at school princess." He said walking towards his bike. I smiled and walked into my house.

"Were you two about to kiss?" Lucy said excitedly.

"What? Ew, no!" I retorted.

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