New Members

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Chapter 2~ hope you all enjoy.




Raine's POV

            I was sitting in the kitchen, Faith went down stairs to tell Riley about the baby girl they were going to have and I was planning for a baby shower. I need more help.  I would have to go make more friends in the pack. Since only the girls will be coming to the shower. There was too much work to be done. I heard foot steps coming into the kitchen, I looked up to see Kade coming in. I gave him a smile and he just stared at my chest. Damn it I forgot I took off my band shirt and part of the tribal was showing.

"What the hell is that?" He said.

"Sit down." I told him and I rubbed my hands over  my face, great I didn't want to deal with this right now. He sat down across from me and I told him about the dream thing. I told him what my mother said in the different language.

"It means The Chosen One." Kade told me. He smiled at me, Then stood up and hugged me. "You have been chosen!" he exclaimed. And kissed me.

"How far down do they go?" He asked.

"Almost my hip." I told him.

"I'll have to show me, tonight." He said with a wink. He headed over to the fridge and I watched him pull out some chocolate milk and just drank the whole thing.

"We are getting new members today." He told me.

"That's cool, how many?" I asked.

"I think around 10 It's a small pack coming."

"Then we will have at least 25 members. Do they know about the Hunter?" I asked worried now.

"Yes, they want to help take him down. They have one of the best trackers in there pack." He told me, well that's good.

"That's good. Are you heading into town today?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'm meeting the Alpha of the pack today, at that little dinner." He told me. I gave him a smile.

"I'm getting a ride with you then, I need to go to the mall to get ready for Faith's Baby shower." I told him.

"What she having?"

"A girl."

"That's nice."

            I ran up stairs to grab my bag and my cell phone. When I came back down stairs, Riley and Faith were talking to Kade. Faith looked up at me and smiled. I'm helping you with the baby shower." She told me.

"Nope. I won't allow it." I told her with a smile.

"Please let me help you." She was begging me to let her help. I guess I really had no other choice.

"Fine." I muttered, she squealed in delight, she ran over and hugged me.

"Come on we need to go, if I'm dropping out off at the mall." Kade said and he pushed us out the door, I heard Riley chuckle at us. Kade was already in his truck starting it up, Riley was helping Faith into the back seat and I climbed into the back with her. Riley got shotgun. I guess Riley wanted to be there when Kade met the Alpha. Kade dropped me and Faith off at the front of the mall and drove away.

Kade's POV

            I dropped off the girls and headed back towards the outsides of the town. The little dinner was right before the middle of town, still had no name. This was the same place that Raine punched the waitress. I pulled into a parking space and hopped out, we headed inside and sat down at one of the tables in the front. I checked my phone, it was only 9:50, they should be here soon.

"Can I help you?" The waitress said, I looked up to see that it was the same one, she had a bruise on her jaw, and I silently chuckled to myself.

"I'll take a coffee." I told her. She gave me a smile and looked over to Riley.

"Same."  I watched her write down a couple of things and then walked away. She came back a minute later with a coffee pot and poured us each a glass. I nodded my head at her and looked towards the door. We didn't have to wait very long, two men walked into the dinner spotted us and headed over. I stood up to greet them.

"You must be Kade, I am Lucian." The guy said and held out his hand. I shook his hand.

"I am Vincent." The other guy said and he just bowed to me, he must have been the beta. We all took are seats. The waitress came back and took there orders for coffee. When she came back she took our order for food.

"Where did your pack come from?" I asked Lucian.

"We came from the South. We came here, because we needed to join a bigger pack." He explained.

"Your not worried about the Hunter?" Riley asked.

"Not at all, I'm one of the best trackers, and fighters." Lucian said, he had a proud smile on his face. This guy looked familiar but I could place where I saw him.

"Do you know who I am?" I asked the two men. They both just stared at me, I had my eyes blue since I didn't want to scare them. I changed them to the normal black. I heard them gasp.

"Alchemy." The one name Vincent muttered.

"That's right."

"It would be an honor to have you lead us." Lucian said.

"I'm glad you see it that way." I told them. "Welcome to the pack." I told them with a smile.

"Thank you."

"Your pack members will have to live with some of the other members on the territory till we can get houses build and everything, you and your mate will stay at the Alpha house as will yours, we got two rooms open." I explained to them.

"Sounds good. We will head over to the drive way that enters your land." I nodded my head.

"Meet you there." And they left. I checked my phone and saw that I had a text from Raine.

We are done! It said.

Coming. I texted back, I laid some money on the table and Riley and me headed out to go get the girls.

            The girls were standing out front with a lot of bags. We helped them load all the bags into the back of the truck. Soon we were on our way home. I was surprise that Raine didn't ask about the new members. We were heading down the road towards our drive way and I saw about 3 cars, they were all very nice looking cars. When we past the cars I nodded my head and I heard them fire up and follow us down the drive way.  We made it to the Alpha house and I parked the truck, Raine and Faith jumped out and went straight to the back to unload the bags.

Raine's POV

            We were at the back of the truck getting the bags, when someone came up behind us, and then I heard his voice. "Need some help?" I turned around the see Lucian standing there.

"Brother!" I screamed and hugged him tightly. He gave me a hug back.

"I've missed you little sister." He whispered in my ear.

"Missed you too." I knew that I had a huge smile on my face. I haven't seen my brother for years.

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