Home Sweet Home

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Hey everyone that reads this story. I'm realllllyyy Reallyyy sorry! that i havent uploaded lately, i got really busy with school stuff and everything. hope you enjoy.




Kade’s POV

            When we landed on the ground, Raine went back to not talking to me. She headed to my truck, with not even glancing at me. I hate the feel of a cold shoulder. I climbed into the driver side and waited for them to load the rest of the luggage.

“Raine.” I whispered. I looked at her again, not even a side wards look. “Raine, please.” I reached out my hand and she smacked it away. I watched her close her eyes and he breathing slowed, and she was asleep.

            I need to get her to talk to me, a real conversation, with no tears or raised voices, no hurt feels, none of that. I reached over and woke her up.

“Raine we need to talk.” I told her, my voice was soft.

“Huh, What?” She said half asleep.

“We need to talk.” I told her again.

“About what?” He voice cut me deep, her voice was full of hate.

“Us. I can’t deal with you not talking to me anymore. You hating me. I can’t deal with it!” My voice raised.

“You brought this all on your self.” Her voice was cold and unemotional.

“I know.” I told her and paused and then added, “I’m sorry.”

Raine’s POV

            Those words, I have been waiting to hear. “Thanks.” I told him. I didn’t know where he wanted this conversation. Is he hoping that me and him will make up completely.

“I know that I can’t take back what I said. But I don’t want too.” He told me, I’ve heard this so many times.

“Kade. Drop that. I know you can’t change that. You can help fix it though.” I told him. I finally looked over at him. His eyes showed like he had years of sadness.

“I can’t fix it. I wont share.”

“What does it matter now, the war is going to happen.”

“Then why aren’t you talking to me?” He asked me.

“Because I feel disconnected from the world. I feel like part of me is dead.” I told him.

“I’m sorry.” He just muttered.

“Stop saying that!” I snapped at him. I was tired of hearing those words, I didn’t want to hear them again. We sat in silence for the rest of the drive back home.

            We pulled into the parking lot of the packs house. Faith was standing by the door. With Riley’s arms wrapped around her. She was smiling at us. Till she saw the smug look on my face and her smile dropped away. She came running over to my side and throw the door open.

“What’s wrong?” She asked me, her voice full of concern. I didn’t answer her, I was paying attention to Kade’s and Riley’s conversation.

“Call all the packs, there is going to be a war.” He whispered silently to Riley, I watched Riley nodded his head, I gave him a death glare. I couldn’t take this, I ran from the truck and changed.

            I felt power coursing through my veins, I pushed harder into the woods. I ran till I smacked into something solid, I fell to the ground with a thud. There was a soft whimper and I rolled to my feet to see who I hit. My brother laid there in a heap. I changed back quickly and ran over to him.

“Brother? I’m so sorry.” I felt tears leak down my face as I petted the wolf’s head. He gave a slight whimper. More tears fell down my face, I hugged his big head. Then he changed back into his human form.

“Brother?” I whispered softly.

“Damn sis.” He chocked out.

“Oh Brother!” I yelled, and hugged him tighter. “I’m so sorry!”

“It’s fine.” He whispered and gave me a smile, I gave him a bigger smile back.

Dexter’s POV

            That one kiss that we shared was the best. It was like fireworks going off through out my body. I wanted her so badly, but knew that I couldn’t have her because of her stupid wolf mate. Now there will be a war, because of his stupid actions. I wish I could have punched him in his face.

            My family was staying at the Blythe’s castle preparing for the war. My family was hard at work calling in all the cat shifter’s prides and clan’s in to train. All the ones here now are excited for the war. I don’t see why, were all Luna’s children. I didn’t know when the war was suppose to happen, but I know soon.

            My clan is here they’re all training right now in the field. I’ve already had all the training that I want. I didn’t want to think that I will be killing my mate’s kind. I wonder how she is doing. I wish I can talk to her, hold her again, kiss her.

“Master Dexter, It is dinner time, your mother wanted me to fetch you.” One of the guards came into the room said.

“I’m not hungry.” I told him.

“Please sir, you haven’t eaten in two days.” He was begging me to come. I but my mother threaten him to make sure I came to supper tonight.

“Fine. I’ll come that doesn’t mean I’ll eat.” I told him and got up from my spot on the bed. The guard was leading me down the hall, I felt everyone staring at me as I pasted. I must look horrible. I feel horrible, honestly. Everyone was saying how good it was to see me. They all know the story of Raine and me.

            Just thinking about her sent a wave of sadness through me. By the time it passed we were at the dinning room. “Dexter, so good of you to show up.” Mrs. Blythe said and had one of her servants pull out a seat for me.

“Dinner is ready.” She said and food came out on trays from the kitchen, just the smell of it made me want to throw up. I didn’t want to eat. I didn’t want to see it or smell it, I just wanted my mate.

            I got up from the table as soon as they put some food on my plate, my mother was calling out to me, but I didn’t care. I wanted my mate and I wanted her now. I headed out into the cold air of the night and shifted. I ran into the woods and cried into the night.

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