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Sorry guys it been awhile since i uploaded this story. i have writers block so thats why its so short. I'm sorry about it. Tell me what you think!




Raine's POV

            When we got back to the packs territory, Kade and Lucian and me headed for the doctors to get us all checked out. I knew that I should be dead, but I felt great. We were still all in wolf form when we came upon the doctors place. I shifted and headed inside to get the doctor.

"Dr. Anders?" I called out.

"Coming." He called back and then he appeared in front of me. "What can I do for you?" He asked me.

"Can you check out Kade and Lucian, they were shot with silver, there outside in there wolf forms.

"Yes, I'll be right out." I nodded my head and headed back outside to see how they were doing. They were laying down, waiting for the doctor to come out. A minute later the doctor walked out and headed over to Kade.

"Where was he shot at?" He asked. Kade took his head back and licked at the spot. The doctor pushed his head away and started to look it over.

"Looks like the bullet is still in there." The doctor said and pulled out a knife and started to cut the wound open a little, I could take the sight so I had to look away, I heard Kade whine a little. I went and sat down by his head and started to pet him. In about 5 minutes the bullet was out and the wound started to heal.

"You going to be fine." The doctor said and went to look at Lucian. Lucian was lucky and only had a couple of cuts. They were both going to be fine.

            I turned into my wolf form and we headed into the trees back to the house. It took us a matter of 5 minutes to reach the Alpha house, one by one we changed back into human form. Riley was standing outside with Faith in his arms, they were smiling at us.

"I'm so happy your all back." Riley said.

"Thank you." Kade said back with a smile on his face, Faith ran up and gave me a hug. When we walked inside Kade and Riley went off into their office, Lucian went up to see his mate. Faith and me went into the kitchen.

"Baby Show is soon right?" Faith asked.

"Yup." I said popping the p.

"How many are coming?"

"Almost all the females." I told her with a smile.

"That's a lot." Faith muttered.

"Did you pick out a name?" I asked her a little excitedly.

"Not yet."

"Raine!" Kade yelled from his office.

"Be right back." I told her and headed down the hall till I came to Kade's office, I didn't even bother to knock and walked right in. "Yes?"

"I'm going on a trip to Canada, for the big meeting that they have every so many years. Its not till next week that I have to leave." He explained. Raine, that's the meeting you must go too. Luna's voice filled my head.

"I have to go with you." I told him.


"Luna told me that I have to go with you to that meeting."

"Alright." Kade said and went back to typing on his computer.

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