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Chapter 8 is here! Hopw that you all enjoy it!





Dexter's POV

            We carried Sara to the sofa where we fasten chains around her. The weakened her and she couldn't change either. We loaded up the truck and headed out. I had my whole group with me. My group was a little weird we had one snow leopard with us. She was a younger girl and she was left by her family. So we took her in. We were heading to the Alchemy's place to turn her in. The drive is about 3 hours long....

Raine's POV

            I decided to go for a run while Kade was looking for the hunter, I was going to stay close to the house, just in case. I walked into the backyard and shifted into my wolf. I heard my bones crack and pop and in less then a minute I was standing in my wolf form. I stretched out my front and back legs. I walked to the forest edge then took off. I was running around the forest when I came upon the clearing where the new members house was being build. It already had the first floor done.

            I was pretty sure that after that after that all the pack members that doesn't live in the Alpha house was going to live here. It wasn't that far from the Alpha house either. I decided to walk around the house and check it out. When I got the back of the house, I felt something pinch me. Them my vision went black...

Todd's POV

            I got a direct hit on her neck. I quickly climbed down the tree that I was in and headed towards her. I watched as she fell to a heap of black fur and then change to human form. I ran up to her and picked her body up. She wasn't that heavy. I headed into the woods with her in my arms.

Lucian's POV

            I leaded them to an apartment, the apartment was above a restaurant. From the street it looked pretty big. Kade, Riley and me headed into the restaurant to talk to the guy that owns this place, and find out if Todd owns the apartment. Kade headed up the guy at the at the bar.

"I want to speak to the owner." I heard Kade tell the guy.

"Your speaking to him. What can I do for you?" He asked.

"Who owns the apartment up top?"

"A guy name Todd. Why?"

"Were his friends and we were just wondering if we had the right place." Kade told him and walked away.

"Its his." Kade said was we followed him out of the restaurant and went to the rest of the guys that came. I watched as they all made sure that he wasn't there.

"He is not here." Riley said.

"Damn it." Kade said and kicked the wall that we were standing beside. Kade's phone went off and he answered it on the second ring.

"Hello?" He asked. And I didn't hear anything from the other side. But I could tell something wasn't right by the look on his face. His expression was a cross between horror/anger/and sadness. He closed the phone. I watched as he slowly went insane, no one knew what was wrong. Kade let out a scream.

"What's wrong?" Riley asked over and over again.

"He got her." He muttered and ran off. I chased after him, knowing that he was talking about my sister. We reached the forest and both changed. Soon we were running on all fours and picking up speed.

Todd's POV

            I moved fast through the woods. I knew that I left my scent all over there. I sprayed myself down after awhile to lose them. I heard howls from the clearing and I knew that I had to move a lot faster. Instead of carrying Raine bridal style and more I throw her over my shoulder and ran. I need to get out of here. My truck was waiting for my farther down the road then last time. I need to get to the chains before she woke up.

Raine's POV

            I woke up in a field again, and I knew immediately where I was, there was no doubt in my mind I was either going to talk my mother or Luna. I looked around the field, it was covered in leaves and the trees were bare. That same pine tree stood in the center of the field and there was my mother and Luna both standing under it. I headed over to where they were. When I got close they both turned and smiled at me.

"Welcome daughter." Luna said, her voice was magic like the last time I heard her speak.

"Luna. Mom." I greeted them both warmly with a huge smile.

"Raine. Its nice to see you again." My mother said and hugged me when I was in front of them. I gave her a hug back, I felt her kiss my forehead and then released me.  

"Raine," Luna said and paused, I turned my full attention to her. Then she continued," There is a meeting coming up for all the shifters leaders. You are to attended with Kade." I nodded my head, I didn't know why I was suppose to but I guess it was part of me being chosen that I got to go. I wonder why Kade never told me about it?

"Kade does not know yet. He will find out tonight." Luna answered my unspoken question. I watched as Luna disappeared.

"Mom," I said and she turned to look at me she had a big smile on her face. She came over to me and hugged me again, this time this one was tighter and longer, I've missed my mom so much.

"I love you daughter." She whispered into my ear.

"I love you too mom."

            I woke up in a warehouse chained to a wall with silver chains, the chains burned my skin and left my wrist, neck, ankles bleeding. My vision was still a little blurry, I started to freak out and pull at the chains only to bring more pain to me.

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