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Hey guys. I'm really sorry that its short! :/ I'll make them longer soon I promise!!!!!!!!




Lucian’s POV

            I was staring down the muzzle of a gun, I froze where  I was, a shot like that would leave me for death quickly. “Don’t move.” He warned me. I blinked my eyes to show him that I under stood. He didn’t see the other wolves come in. I didn’t either they came in from other points. They were sneaking up quickly on Todd. Vincent was the fist to attack. He knocked into Todd, biting him in the back. I quickly moved and bit his hand and he dropped the gun.

“AHH. You son of a bitch!” He screamed looking at me. He brought his other hand back and smacked me. I fell to the ground. My head was hurting from the hit. Vincent had let Todd go before he smacked me, I nodded my head to him telling thanks. We all started to circle him. Except for Riley. He changed back into human form.

“So Gunner, how did you take down that plane?” Riley asked him, playing with a glass figure.

“I didn’t take down no plane.”

“Bullshit.” Riley yelled back. He came into the circle with Todd. I watched as he brought his arm back and let it lose. Riley’s fist connected with Todd’s jaw. Todd stepped back a little. Todd look at Riley and smirked. I changed back into human form an attacked him. We fell to ground, I was on top punching him.

“Your dead!” I said. I continued to punch his face. My anger was boiling and I was shaking. I changed there on top of Todd. I growled in his face. I finally saw fear flash through his eyes.

“Kill him Lucian.” Riley yelled. I opened my mouth and reached down to put my teeth around his throat, I closed around it slowly. I felt my teeth pierce his skin and then the taste of blood. I heard a phone start to ring and then Riley’s voice.

“Hold on Lucian.” He said. I stopped were my teeth were, they were barely in his neck.

“There ok. The plane isn’t nose diving anymore.” Riley said. I gave a wolfy smile and looked down in Todd’s eyes. He was pissed.

“Finish him.” Riley said. I closed the rest of the way. Till I heard a snap.

Raine’s POV

            We landed in Snow leopard territory. I was glad to be on the ground again. I really didn’t want to go flying again. It was the best first time. When we got off the plane I ran down the ramp till I touched ground, I laid down and hugged it. I know dramatic. But I was just so happy to be on land again. Kade came out and started to laugh at me. He came down the ramp and picked me off the ground. He wrapped his arms around me and then kissed me. Some people headed onto the plane and carried out the dead bodies and some got our suitcases. Another guy went and got Kade’s truck out of the plane.

            There were some royal cat shifter standing there too, Kade lead me over to them. “Raine I like you to meet the Mr. and Mrs. Blythe.” They held out there hand to me and I shook them both.

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