(Dont have a title yet...)

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Hey guys sorry this is soooo short. I have writers block, I'm working through it though. Sorry it took sooo long to uplaod too. soo sorry.

anyways hope that you all enjoy!




Raine’s POV

            Kade was still mad, he wouldn’t even look at me last night when we got back to the room. He just stripped and went to bed in his boxers. I sat in the bathroom and cried, I knew that he heard me, but I didn’t think that he cared too much. I was standing in the shower right now, crying again. I didn’t sleep last night and I was hoping that a nice hot shower would warm me up.

“Raine.” Kade’s voice was soft like he was talking to a little girl.

“What?” I said, my voice was shitty from crying but I didn’t care.

“I’m sorry.” He said. I stepped out of the shower and looked at him, he looked me up and down. “I’m so sorry.” He came over to me and wrapped his arms around me. He started to kiss my neck and then my lips, I melted away into his kiss. He picked me up and carried me to the bed, and we had make up sex…

            I climbed out of the bed and headed to the bathroom, I know that Kade and me made up, but I don’t think I will be allowed to be with Dexter. I want to be with both of them. I already miss him so much.

“Raine. I know you want to be with him. But I’m not sharing you.” Kade told me.

“Kade, this is my destiny. I have to do this.” I argued back.

“I’m not sharing you!” He growled. I nodded my head and turned my back to him. I heard Kade muttered something and he left the room.

Kade’s POV

            I’ll make sure Dexter knows I’m not going to share her. She is mine and only mine. I don’t care what Luna has to say.

“Kade, I know you don’t mean that.” I heard her voice, it was Luna.

“Maybe I do.” I told her, my voice was hard and cold.

“I know you don’t. Your just mad.” She told me with a slight chuckle.

“Do you find this funny?” She was pissing me off more.

“No,” She told me sternly, “Raine has to do this, I don’t want a war between my children.” She explained to me.

“Deal with it!” I growled in her face, I felt her hand slapped my right into the face. Her touch was cold and hard against my face.

“You listen to me, you stuck up Alpha! You deal with it. Do you want a war?” She asked me, I never heard a Goddess use that tone. It scared me a little inside.

“I don’t care what happens. I’m not sharing her.” I told her, I wasn’t going to back down, no one was going to take her from me.

“Spoiled rotten Alpha.” I heard her muttered. “You listen to me, I want my children to be united, I don’t want a war. Since the Alchemy’s rule over all werewolves and the Haig’s are the rulers of the cat shifters, yes I know the Blythe’s are the rulers of the snow leopards.” She paused, “But the Haig’s rule over them all.”

“I know this.” I told her in a bored tone. She moved back her hand like she was going to hit me again for what I said. I never thought a Goddess would be like that. I know that she was only looking out for what’s best for her children. I just couldn’t share Raine. I couldn’t. I turned away from her and walked down the hall.

Luna’s POV

            I wanted to smack him again, he was acting like a spoiled brat. So I guess there will be war between my children. I hated the thought of it. Maybe this will wake up Kade’s eyes. I knew that there were a lot more cat shifters, but the werewolves were a lot better fighters. This was not going to end well.  Shook my head and disappeared from the room. I headed back to sit up in the crescent moon. I watched my children below me. I felt bad for them.

            I felt tears leak down my face as I watched them, I knew what was to come. I couldn’t take Raine away from Kade, that wouldn’t be fair to her. She has to deal with to much, as it is.

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