The Meeting

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Here is the next chapter, let me know what you all think!




Dexter’s POV

            She told me that she had the same feelings. I was happy. My body screamed with excitement. When she hugged me last night. Sparks went off in my body, I just didn’t know how her mate would react. We are telling  him after the meeting today. I was on my down to the room now. This one should go fast. We will most likely be taking about Raine and her being chosen an all.

Raine’s POV

            I couldn’t wait to tell Kade about this, I was so excited. Kade was in the shower getting ready, I was all ready and just waiting on my man. The meeting didn’t start for a little bit and plus we would have breakfast first. They were serving a lot of different foods. I was mostly excited for the muffins, I love muffins.

            I heard the door open and out stepped Kade, he had a towel wrapped around his waist. I was gawking at him, he gave a chuckle and headed over the suitcase. Damn was a fine looking man. He turned around and winked at me as soon as the thought ran through my head. I watched him pull out a nice pair of black pants and a really nice button up shirt.

“I’ll be back out in a minute then we can leave.” Kade said and headed into the bathroom.

“What don’t you want to change out here in front of me?” I asked him.

“If you want me too.” He said with a wink and he dropped his towel. I watched him pull on his boxers, and then pants, and last but not least his shirt.

“Ready to go?” he asked me.

“Yes I am.” I stood up from the bed and looped my arm through his arm and we headed out the door. The meeting room was in the basement, I was really excited to see more of the castle. I had a smile of excitement on my face.

            We reached the meeting room a couple minutes later, not everyone was there yet, they were all eating breakfast. “Good morning Kade, Raine.” We were greeted by the Blythe’s.

“Morning.” I told them with a huge smile on my fact. I looked around the room and Dexter and Kade’s parents aren’t here yet.

“Please enjoy breakfast while we wait for the last three to arrive.” Mr. Blythe said. I nodded my head and headed over to where the muffins were. I grabbed a blue berry muffin and a some orange juice. I took a seat were my name tag was and started to eat. Kade came back a little bit of eggs and some bacon. He had chocolate milk to drink too. I couldn’t help but reach over and steal some of his bacon.

“Hey!” He yelled out acting like a 5 year old. I knew that everyone was watching us, and I busted out laughing. They all joined in with me. Kade started to chuckle and when I wasn’t paying attention stole his bacon back. Damn I should have eaten it when I stole it. I was saving it for last.

            I heard the door open and in walked Dexter, followed closely behind was Kade’s Parents. I heard them being greeted and I saw Dexter give me a smile. I couldn’t help I had to give one back to him.

            Kade’s mother came over and kissed Kade and hugged me muttering good morning and everything like that. My mind was else where though. I was thinking about the task at hand tonight after the meeting. I didn’t know how Kade was going to react to the whole situation. I was hoping that he wouldn’t freak or be mad.

“I would like to call this meeting to order.” Mr. Blythe said loud and clear, the room became quiet very quickly. I watched them bring in the video cameras. “Everyone here knows that this meeting is aired live to all the shifters. No human can access this.” He continued.

“Were all ready.” The one camera guy said and I watched the red light turn to green.

“We are here to keep the peace between our races. Here we resolve all problems between shifters.” Mr. Blythe started. “Werewolves.” He said and sat down.

“Yes, thank you.” Mr. Alchemy said standing up. “I would first like to thank Dexter Haig for bring back Sara when she managed to escape.”  I looked over at him, he was sitting across from me, he winked then turned his attention back Mr. Alchemy.

“Next I would like to bring up the mating of my son and Raine.” He said, everyone in the room started to clap. “She is now an Alchemy, and she has been chosen as you all know.” He said with a smile looking at me. I started to blush and looked down. Kade grabbed my hand from under the table and gave it a squeezed before he stood up.

“Thank you father.” He said, then continued, “This past couple months we have been having trouble with Hunters. I know for a fact that my pack have killed Todd “Gunner” Braxton.” I heard gasps go through the room.

“Why was he after your pack?” I think Mrs. Haig asked that.

“I don’t know.” He told her looking her in the eyes.

“Very interesting.” She muttered.

“Yes very.” Everyone mumbled.

“That is all.” Kade said and sat down, I reached over and grabbed his hand, he linked are fingers together. Next it was the Haig’s turn to talk, Dexter’s father stood up and started talking about something, I for one was getting bored and zoned out. I heard there voice listening just in case my name was called for some reason.

            I zoned back in during the time when they were redoing to treaties. Everyone that was here had to sign it so I made sure to listen when it was my turn to sign. I hated signing things. “The Alchemy’s.” They said my last name and all four of us got up and headed over to the big piece of paper that had all the treaties on it. There was a special spot for all the werewolves, leopards, and cheetah’s.

            I signed my name and handed the pen off to Kade, I waited for him before we went and sat back down. “This meeting in over.” Mr. Blythe stated. Everyone got up and was headed out the door, I checked the time and it was only 5:30, dinner wasn’t for another hour. I let of a heavy sign. Once we were out, Dexter came up to us.

“Kade we need to talk.” Dexter said, and lead us both down the hallway. We entered one of the sound proof rooms.

“What is it?” Kade asked confused when he saw me standing next to Dexter.

“Kade I know what I’ve been chosen for.”


“I’m chosen to bring the werewolves and the cheetah’s together. Luna is going to prevent the war that is to happen in the future.” I told him in a rush. I looked to his face, but it showed nothing.

“What!?” Kade yelled. “No why, I am not sharing my mate with some Cat.” He spat out.

“Kade, this is what I’ve been chosen for.” I told him in a calming voice.

“No!” He growled. He yanked me over to him and wrapped his arms around me. I heard a hiss coming from Dexter. “Back off.” Kade warned him.

“Enough!” I yelled at them both, and broke free from his grasps.

“Raine. I am not sharing you with anyone! You are mine!” Kade said and crashed his lips into mine.

Dexter’s POV

            I stood there as they kissed, I wanted to rip her from his grip. I wanted to kill him. I was willing to share to be with her and he wasn’t even going to try! What the Hell?! My anger was boiling, I wanted so badly to change and attack him.


Hoped that you all enjoyed the chapter. :D 

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