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Chapter 3! hope you all enjoy!




Lucian's POV

            It was great to see my sister again. I can't believe that she is mated to an Alchemy. I cant believe that Kade is an Alchemy. I remember when he was little and used to always play with my sister. I knew what it meant to have an Alchemy as your mate, you get some of there powers. I don't know what they all get but they get some of them. I was walking around the house looking at everything and becoming familiar with everything, they had a very nice house. And from what I seen of the other pack members house they did too.

            They had a nice well kept land, and a lot of land. I remember my land, it was as nice as this one, till other werewolves started to burn down the trees, we fought them for days. My pack killed a great number of them but we could not stay there. They brought in more and out numbered us by a lot. So we packed everything that we could and left, and here we are.

            I found myself in the kitchen then, I looked around it was a nice size kitchen, my mate would love it. I headed towards the fridge and found some orange juice, I headed over to the sink to find some nice clean cups sitting in there. I grabbed one and poured myself a glass. I wasn't a big eater when it came to breakfast. After I sat down at the table I heard foot steps behind me, I turned around and saw Riley standing there, he was only wearing boxers and pants.

"Morning." He muttered to me before grabbing himself a glass and pouring milk into it.

"Morning." I said back. He came over and sat down across from and stared at me.

"How was your first night here?" He asked me.

"It was nice." I told him. " I was glad to see my sister. Its been years about 6 years now since I seen her."

"That's a long time." Riley muttered.

"How has she been?" I asked Riley.

"She had a rough start here," Riley told me, I gave him a weird look.

"What do you mean?" I asked him.  So he explained to me everything that had happen since she got here. My anger was boiling to the top when I heard about what that asshole Seth did to her.

"I'm glad that he is dead." I told him. Riley just gave me a half smile and got up.

"I'm going to start cleaning some land today for the houses." Riley mumbled and headed out the door. I just shrugged my shoulders, I got up and put my empty glass in the sink.  I heard foot steps come down the stairs and I looked to see Raine coming down, she was in black skinny jeans and a blue tank top, I could see her crest and something else. It looked tribal.

"Morning sister." I said when she was completely down the steps.

"Morning." She told me with a smile.

"What's that?" I asked pointing to her chest and the tribal.

"It's a long story." She told me.

"I got time."

"Fine." She quickly explained everything that happen, "There happy?"

"Yup. That's great that you were chosen. Do you know for what yet?"

"Have no clue." She muttered. I watched her sit down on the couch and turn on the TV. I nodded my head at her and walked away.

"Wait." She yelled.


"How have you been? It has been awhile." She asked me.

"I've been good." I told her with a smile. "And I heard about your ex mate Seth." I told her with a growl. She just looked away from me and shrugged her shoulders, I left it alone at that and  headed out the door to find Riley, maybe he need some help.

Raine's POV

            I really need to start watching what I wear, or more people will ask about it. Last night I showed Kade the whole tribal design. He felt the need to trace it and it tickled me every time. I started to wonder what the Goddess chosen me for. In time you will know. A voice floated through my head. Who are you? I asked it, I knew that it wasn't my wolf.  It is me Luna, my dear child. She gave a little laugh, and her voice exited out of my head. I'm going crazy, I thought.

            I need to clear my head, I got out of my seat and headed outside, I changed into my wolf. She shook out her fur and stretched. We took off running, I knew where she was heading, to the lake. That become one of my favorite spots now a days. WE reached the clearing in a matter of minutes. My wolf headed towards the water and started to play in it. It wasn't till I saw my wolf's reflection in the water, that I made her stop. My wolf had tribal markings going up her left leg, they were a darker blue in color. And I say Kade's crest there too.

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