Bad News

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Raine's POV

            I woke in the back yard, it was getting close to midnight, I wonder why no one tried to wake me up. I was still in my wolf form. I stood up, there was a little burning sensation in my back but it was soothing. I headed for the back door, it was left open. I walked inside and looked around, There was no one and I heard nothing in the living room either. I decided to stay in my wolf form, I headed up the stairs to my bed room and the door was open a little, I pushed it a little and stuck my head in. There was no one in there either, where was everyone? I headed back down the stairs and outside, I sat back and howled. I got some howls back and I headed in that direction.

            I was running for awhile, but then I came to a clearing, there was all my pack members, I saw Kade at the head looking down. They were all in wolf form, when I stepped out everyone turned and they saw my tattoos. They moved out of my way and I headed for Kade. He finally looked up, his eyes showed anger, what was going on here? I headed right over to him. I sat beside him and laid my head against his neck. That's when Kade changed to human and so did everyone else, I changed last.

Kade's voice rang out into the night, "My friends, Family! I have gotten word from my parents, referring to Sara." He paused and looked out towards the 23 other members, "It has seem that has escaped. My parents don't know how it happen."

"What?" I yelled, my anger was boiling now, how could she escape!

"They think one of the guards let her loose, they are interrogating the guards now." Kade said. "When they find out who they will kill him. They have there best trackers out finding her."

"Good." I muttered and I felt Kade arm go around my shoulder, he gave me shoulder a squeeze.

"Next, you all might have seen Raine's new tattoos, or markings. She has been chosen by the Goddess, we do not know for what yet." Kade told everyone. Some of the members were smiling at me. They bowed there heads to me. "That is all." And the meeting was over.

"You got more tattoos." Kade whispered in my ear.

"I know. I meet the Goddess this time." I whispered back, he turned me to face him, he had a huge smile on his face and he kissed me.

"What was she like?"

"She was great, sweet, nice and everything that a good mother has." I told him with a smile on my face. "What do the tattoos look like on my back?" I asked him. He spun me around.

"You have little wings with a moon in the middle of you back and interesting designs around them, its kind of hard to explain." He told me. I would have to look in the mirror when I got home. I looked back at the clearing and most of the pack members were gone, they were still working on the house in the clearing about 3 miles from here. The house would hold all of my brother pack members. I watched as my brother and two other guys came walking over to where we were standing.

"Alpha, one of the patrols picked up an unknown scent." Lucian said.

"Where does it lead."

"We followed it to the back yard of the Alpha house and Raine's scent was strong there, and then back to the road. It was someone trying to mask there smell." Lucian explained.

"How do you know?"

"I had a lot of time to get to know what ones mask scents."

"I see."

"We didn't follow it." Lucian said. "We think its the hunter."

'We while follow it then." Kade told them, "Meet by the road with hand guns. In 10 minutes." They nodded there heads and walked away. Kade turned back to me and kissed me again. "I'll race you to the house." He muttered against my lips.

"Bring it." We both changed and ran. He beat me to the house.

Kade's POV

            I beat her again, I saw her wolf come out of the woods and head over to me. She licked my hand and pushed me in the side. I couldn't help but laugh a little. She changed back then and hugged me. "Be careful." She whispered then let go of me and headed inside. I followed after her, she ran up stairs and into are bedroom. I headed over to find my gun, I headed into the closet and found my duster trench coat, I throw it on.

"I'm heading out. Love you."

"Love you too, be careful." And I left, I headed down stairs to be greeted by Lucian and Riley both holding hand guns. I nodded to them and we headed out, we didn't change into wolf form since it would be pointless. It was to light outside to go into town as a wolf.

            We headed over to my truck and hoped in, I drove to the end of the drive way and a couple more males climbed into the back of the truck and we headed into town. I parked the truck right outside of town. I stepped out of the truck and all I heard was my boots making a crunching sound on the road. I checked my gun to make sure all the bullets were there and that I had more in my pocket. Lucian can around the truck and put a hand on my shoulder.

"That way towards the middle of town." He told me and we headed in that direction.

Sara escaped oh no!! Lol, anyways sorry its short again. I'll make them longer! i promise! COMMENT

Chosen (sequel to Betrayal)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang