Chapter 27

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I'm trying to write this to at least get to a point where I can end it, but its been so long. That it might take awhile. I've been working 6 days a week for awhile now; meaning I don't have much time for things anymore. I've been working on trying to buy a house, so that has taken up most of my time. I know that's not a good excuse. 

Raine's POV

Couple of days have past since we have arrived back home. There was still this empty feeling inside my heart from the bond being broken between Dexter and me; I still miss him but that will go away in time. Tomorrow the wolf packs will start arriving in our territory for the party. Kade is telling me something big and exciting will be happening, but he wont tell me anything. He keeps saying it's a surprised.

I was heading out to go see Faith in the hospital. She was allowed to leave today so I was going over there to help her out since Kade and Riley were busy with pack business and preparations for the next coming days. I decided that my wolf needed a run and I wanted to feel free for just a little bit today.

Stepping into the tree line outside of my house I changed into my wolf, shaking out my fur and stretching out my legs. It felt almost foreign to be in wolf form again. I started off slowly, getting a feel for the form again and I headed for the doctors. I took longer then necessary to get there since my wolf wanted to run. We will run later, maybe with Kade. Just us. I told my wolf. She made a noise sounding like she was satisfied with that. We couldn't keep Faith waiting for me. Finally ending up at the doctors off I changed back at the door. Heading inside Faith was sitting in the waiting room with baby Trinity.

"Good morning Raine." Faith said with a smile on her face.

"Morning, you ready to leave?" I asked her.

"Just waiting for the doctor to let me leave." She looked tired already, she wasn't evening paying attention to me. The baby had all the attention, the baby looked like she adored her mother.

"She looks just like you." I commented.

"Riley said he wanted another one already. He'll say that till he starts having to wake up with her every 2 hours." Faith laughed, looking up at me, joining her in the laugh. Finally the doctor appeared in the room.

"Ah Raine, how are we feeling today?" The doctor asked me.

"I'm doing good." I answered, then added "Is Faith permitted to leave?"

"Yes. Everything seems to look good. I'll see you in a month little Trinity." The doctor said waving to the baby. "Faith, Raine have a good day."

"You too." I said and I grabbed Faith's baby bag and her bag and we headed out towards home.

"I cant wait to sleep in my own bed." Faith said as we reached the house. For now they were having the crib in there bed room, while we turned the spare room downstairs into a nursery for the baby. "I'm making Riley get up with her in the night." She laughed out, as we entered the house. Riley was waiting inside with a large smile across his face Faith walked through the door with little Trinity. He went straight over engulfing the with a hug.

"Kade still in his office?" Riley only nodded his head. After Riley let Faith go to took the bags and they went off down stairs. I headed for Kade's office; I could hear him talking to someone, but I couldn't hear another voice, he must be one the phone. Should I bug him? Deciding it was probably best to leave him to his work. I walked past and just peered in; he gave me a small smile before going back to the conversation. I headed up stairs to our room.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2018 ⏰

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