chapter 12

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I was just standing there with my shirt off showing them that I was in bitten and they're just staring at me like I'm crazy. Well, I might be a little bit crazy because of the situation that we're all in being trapped in our beloved city and all with the dead trying to get us. Finally, one of the females came walking to the door she still looked a bit scared I can tell that she wasn't anymore. She opened up the door to really check to see if I had any bite marks or scratches from the dead. After her check she looked behind her and nodded her head, I'm guessing that means I was cleared to enter. I got my things and I walked through the glass door to meet the seven individuals that were there. I introduced myself as Jackie and where I was from and where I'm going to what I was doing was a bit of a long interdiction of myself. I also told him about the school and how was the leader of them and how I'm just trying to find people to save and to maybe get back to some people the smallest amount of normalcy that we can create in our new world.

They all looked at me one of them came forward. It was a short girl with a pixie cut and it had all sorts of colors in it. She introduced herself as Iris and that she study biomedicine here at the university. Then the girl who opened the door for to me introduced herself as Stacy and she was an international student from Australia studying organic chemistry. Then there were two that look exactly alike and I'm guessing they were twins. They were both studying to becoming doctors and their names were Tori and Tony both girls had a Spanish accent. Then there was Mike and Eric the only two guys that were there and they studied biology and chemical engineering. Then the last one came forward introducing herself is Jamie and she was a first-year professor and she studied and taught pathology and forensic science. It was an interesting mix here. They weren't really the kind to fight.

I wouldn't really say classroom it was more of a lab because of the machines and equipment that was in here. I also saw test tubes and other science equipment that I didn't really know the name of and I just looked at the seven people that were there and thought to myself "what the hell are these people doing and what I got myself into". One of the twins step forward and spoke in her Spanish accent "how is it like outside? I mean we've been outside butt we don't really know how people are surviving". I look at her and I thought of an answer I told her what I've been doing as a building at the school later and try and help people but then there's things I also didn't tell them about killing someone and seeing his eyes every time you go to sleep and rescuing two girls from getting attacked or something worse. Or how I let a child suffer and turn into a growler. One of the undead so I can understand it and what happens after you've been bitten. I thought about what it means to survive here and now and what will happen tomorrow and that what happened yesterday will always be ingrained into you because you can't forget it. I thought about how it all went down and where I was or where Sally was and we're these seven individuals were when it all went down. They could have been studying and partying for all I know. Then it all came crashing down on me and I told them that it's hell, what do you expect. It was just something you can't really comprehend until you lived it, seen it, before taking a life for yourself. It just happens I really can't explain it. But I didn't want them to know exactly what it's like to be outside without going outside themselves and I told him that they should experience it for themselves.

I also wanted to know what they were doing and so I asked what are you guys doing. Then Jamie the professor who was my height with light brown skin and black hair and hazel eyes spoke" we're trying to understand what's going on not in a mental sense more of a physical sense, like where did this come from how's it going will it evolve or will it dissolve? Is this nature or some type of chemical warfare I really don't know but we just need some samples to fully figure it out". That's all she said I didn't really understand what she was trying to say because I kind of flew over my head a bit but I think I understand the concept. I think they just want to understand this and try to find a cure, well at least someone does it's not like our government is helping us. I still haven't seen a plane drop any aid yet and that message was broadcast weeks ago. I asked if they heard about the Army's announcement at Times Square and they said no so I told them. The two boys Mike and Eric looked pissed and I don't blame them but the others they look like this is something that they expected and to tell you the truth I also expected this as well.

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