Canine▫️Chapter 12

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**3rd Person**
From the day that y/n was taken in to hydra she drained for hours on end, every week for 3 months. The Avengers never heard a single word from her. As the days passed by that y/n was training, she started to hate the Avengers more because of the lies that were told to her.
She became a weapon. In her mind. All she thought about was ending the Avengers.

**Avenger's POV**
We haven't seen y/n in 3 months and we were all giving up hope. Fury walked in the room. "Avengers. I need all of you on this mission. Except for Sam, Loki, and Bucky. Good luck." Fury said and left after handing us all a file of information on the mission. We all glanced down at the file which was titled, "hydra base #3."
What to expect: Gerard Dale. (Your dad) Head scientist of the base and his new weapon.
Weapon name: Canine

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