Kitsune~ Chapter 31

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"I'll forgive you on one condition..." I give him a questioning glance that is quickly wiped away when he takes a step closer to me and lightly cups my face in his calloused hands. I look up into his electric blue eyes. " condition..." He whispers before lightly pressing his lips to mine. I was frozen for a second before I melted into it, remembering how much I had wanted this when I resided in the Avengers Tower. Our lips fit perfectly together as he deepened the kiss, slowly moving closer to me, eventually trapping me in between his body and the wall. His hand slid to rest on the small of my back, attempting to bring me closer to his being, if possible, and to deepen our kiss even more. His other hand moved from cupping my cheek down to rest itself around my neck, lovingly.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHH! MY INNOCENT EYES!" Tess screamed when she entered the hallway, scaring Pietro and I, causing us to jump apart, blushing intensely.

"Alright, break it up you two, we don't need any Quick-Flame Fox babies just yet." Tony commented, making us blush even deeper. Natasha smacked Tony upside the head for his childish, also because he had managed to scar little innocent Steve with the horrifying thought that two twenty year olds would be having fun before they were even married.

"Woah! Flame fox?!" Storm asked when she entered the hallway, a smirk on her face.

"Y-yeah," I stutter still embarrassed.

"It's a great name, I know!" Tony attempted to flip his short hair sassily. "I'm amazing for coming up with it. Did you not know it? I thought it was so great that she would have kept it after coming here." He rambled, causing me to giggle.

"Well, it really wasn't that good. And even if it was, I came here to separate myself from my previous life, so I had to come up with a new name, I was so scared." Tony gasped in fake hurt and put a hand over his heart.

"Well what is this name that is soooo much better than mine?"

"Kitsune." Alex said when he approached us. He gave me a quick glance and a small smile. Ever since I came here, we became close friends. We were close to the same age and we had a lot in common. We both feared our powers, but Xavier saw a lot of potential in us. And we liked to make fun of each other and pull pranks on each other. One time, we actually pulled a prank on Wade, it didn't end well. I ended up having to hide in a zoo, in the form of a wolf, while Wade chased Alex around in the bears den. Alex then entered an office, leaving us.

As soon as Pietro caught sight of Alex's gaze on me, he shuffled closer to me and wrapped an arm around my waist tightly, causing me to smile internally. Alex raised an eyebrow, amused by Pietro's actions.

"Kitsune? Really? Mine was so much better." Tony huffed.

"Sure it was." I smiled and rolled my eyes at him.

"What is a kitsune?" Thor asked, confused by the word of a different culture. Suddenly, Beast exited the cafeteria.

"Kitsune is the japanese word for fox. Japanese folklore says that a kitsune is very wise, yet dangerous. In folklore, Kitsune's grow another tail every one hundred years, but the most tails they can have is 9. After the Kitsune's first hundred years, it can begin shapeshifting. A kitsune is often associated with fire. They have psychic powers. I believed that a kitsune is a great representation of Y/n and her powers, and that is how I came up with her name." Beast replied. Everyone looked very impressed, except Tony, who began murmuring to himself that he could have come up with a better hero name, causing you to laugh.

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