The Wrong Fit

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Y/N ~
       "I'll be right out, Shawn! I just need to finish getting dressed." I called out through the bathroom door. "Ok, babe!" He replied. I smiled at his voice crack. I grabbed the white dress on the counter and slid my legs through the top.

I wonder if I'll look like a model. I want this dress to make me look just Ashley Graham, she's so gorgeous. I won't exactly look like her, but I want to look good.

I looked down at the dress feeling tighter around my hips. I checked the tag at the back of the dress and saw that it was my correct size. Why doesn't it fit?

I continued to try to squeeze my hips through the dress, but it wouldn't budge. I then began to think about what Shawn would say. He'd probably think I'm fat. I am fat. I can't believe I can't fit into this stupid dress. I can't go out there looking like this.

I broke down and dropped on the bathroom tile with the dress still not even fully up my waist. Why must I cry at my dumb and big body size? Tears spilled onto my lap before Shawn began to knock on the door.

"Hey, are you alright, Y/N?" His voice was muffled through the door. I didn't answer his question and just continued to ball my eyes out. Shawn then opened the door and quickly held me in his arms. "What's wrong, Y/N?!" He moved hair out of my face and began to wipe away some of the tears on my cheeks with his thumb. I simply pointed down to my dress. I assumed he understood what meant, because he began to comfort me.

"I hope you don't think you're fat because of this. You're not. You're gorgeous." He moved away a bit and pulled off the dress from my legs to toss it away. He then grabbed my original clothes off of the counter and began to dress me. "Shawn, stop. I'm disgusting. Too disgusting, really, to be right next to you." I backed up until my backed up into the toilet. "Don't say that, Y/N. You're not disgusting. This is just one dress out of the trillions in the world. This has no effect on your appearance. You're stunning without the dress. Ok?"

He lifted my head up with his finger on my chin and kissed my forehead. "Thanks, Shawn. God, I just wanted to wear that dress for you." My tears stopped flowing like a broken dam and rarely fell down my cheeks at all. "For me? No. I don't care what you look like, even though you are the most beautiful lady in the world."

I chuckled at his response and wrapped my arms around his torso. I needed this comfort right now. I really needed him in my life, and now I do. Thank God.

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