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Shawn ~

I'm sorry for what I'm doing. I can't bear telling you this in person. I know that whenever I leave you begin to hate me more and more. I don't blame you, I even hate myself more and more every time. I think that it would just be best if we break up.

I'm sorry if this comes as a surprise to you, but it's for our own good. That sounded so terrible, but trust me it is for your own good. I will always love you, no doubt about that, but we barely see each other anymore due to me traveling so much. I wish I didn't travel as much as I do, but I can't help it. Not saying that you're worth less than money, but I'm saying that I have to work in this world.

I always will love you no matter where you are and who you end up with. I hope it's the same for you. When you fall asleep tonight, just remember that we lay under the same stars. I'm sorry if this made anything worse for you, but I just can't go on any further. Again, I love you.


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