Tour Secrets pt.2

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For elsagirl840
Andrew vid cuz he's a cool doof and not the douche I write him out to be

2 Weeks Later

Sarah ~
Sitting in the back of the tour bus with Shawn, we talked about his tour that was almost over.

"I'm so glad you came with me." I blushed as he moved a strand of hair from my face. "Me too." I giggled out. "And who knows, you could come with me next time too." As he made that comment, I made awkward eye contact with Andrew who sat across from us. He looked like he was about to blow his top off. Just for spite, I responded," yeah I'd hope so."

"You alright, man?" Shawn worriedly asked Andrew. Andrew angrily pounded his fist onto the wall before standing up, "no! I'm not! Your girlfriend is hiding something from you!"

As he pointed at me, Shawn turned his head to me in a confusing manner. "What's he talking about, Sarah?" My face went blank for a moment before I could try and think of something some what reasonable to say.

I was just about to start when Shawn said "are you cheating on me or something?" My eyebrows furrowed at his question. "What? No, it's not that."

"Then what is it?" The commotion on the tour bus brought all eyes on us.

"Your manager wants us to break up..." There was no real positive way to approach the topic without being blatant. Shawn shot confused looks at both Andrew and I.

He parted his lips," ... break up? Why?"

"Not 'good publicity' apparently." My fingers made air quotes as I annoyingly responded.

"What the hell does that mean?" Shawn's eyes darted at the startled yet angry manager.

"Breakup, cause a stir, sell more songs..." he mumbled the last words as Shawn rolls his eyes at him.

"What the fuck does that mean. Honestly, I thought you were my friend." Shawn looked angry yet so defeated by that statement.

"This isn't me wanting this, it's management." Andrew started.

"No, man, fuck management. Since when did they want that?"

"They've been wanting it since your sales have declined."

"What's that have to do with Sarah and I?"

"People are focusing more on your relationship than your music."

"And? You've known me since I was fifteen; when have I ever cared so much about the sales that I'd do something as drastic as this?"

Andrew remained silent at the question, knowing that what he is doing is simply wrong. He is supposed to follow management, but he should know when he is crossing the line.

I looked at Shawn as he clenched his jaw at Andrew. The hurt stare he gave to Andrew just shows how much this is affecting him. He simply stood up from his seat, and walked away speechless. Everyone in the room was left speechless as well.

He returned for a brief moment to get his phone and to grab my hand. "Let's go, Sarah." His eyes screamed melancholy as I nodded and followed him out of the room.

"Could you stop the bus, please?" Shawn asked the bus driver. The driver made eye contact with Shawn through the rear view mirror and looked confused. "Stop? Why?"
"I feel sick, I need some fresh air, please." Shawn responded. Our hands were still intertwined as the driver reluctantly parked the vehicle in the parking lot of a nearby Walmart about ten minutes later.

As the bus comes to a stop, Shawn immediately pulls me out of the bus with him and we sit on the ground of the parking lot. Many eyes were on the random black bus in a Walmart parking lot.

We silently sat on the concrete for a minute before I spoke up. "I'm sorry..." I mumbled to him, rubbing my fingers over his knuckles. "You don't have anything to apologize about. You shouldn't even be the one apologizing anyway; you weren't the one to go behind my back to try and get more money." He bit his lips and looked up at me with a weak smile. "I love you, Sarah. Just know I wouldn't do that for money."

He stared at our hands before standing up. Holding out his hand for me to use to get up, I nod my head and simply respond with "I know who you are and that's all that matters to me." Shawn smiled and placed a kiss on my forehead before returning to the bus.

It took me a while to think of an appropriate ending for this imagine, but I hope you enjoyed fam

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