Pumpkin Scent

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Walking into the apartment, a wave of stress flushed over me. Work, as vague as this might sound, is hard. My mind is far too tires to think right now. I wish I could just relax and do nothing all day, but if I procrastinate once, I'll never get back to working.

Unraveling my jacket from my arms, I hung it over my wheeled chair. Just as I was about to remove my shoes, a small Ashlands jar caught my eye as it sat on my bed.

I picked it up and held it firmly in the palms of my tired hands. Wrinkled were already creasing on my knuckles.

Autumn Pumpkin

Underneath the candle was a red enveloped letter. My eyes furrowed in confusion as I wondered about how random this was for me. Opening the letter, it noticed that it was in Shawn's handwriting; my favorite.

I remember that you loved this scent, but couldn't find it in the store. So, I went to the store and got this for you. Get dressed, because I'm taking you out to eat tonight. Love ya

I couldn't help, but uncontrollably smile at his tenderness. I'm so lucky to be with him. I don't what else to say, but he's too cute for me.

I lit the new candle as the delicious scent began to fill the air. He was right, though. This was my favorite scent.

It's October. You know what that means.


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