The Stress of Fame

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For FairyLightReader
Thank you for the imagine request!

Noelle ~
           As my breathing got heavier with every scroll down my mentions, I could practically feel tears stream down my cheeks. I know what people are going to say, "why would you look at the comments? They're never good." I looked at them, because I love to see sweet things about Shawn. His fans are so nice to him, but some of them can be so unnecessarily rude to me. Shawn and I haven't even said that we were dating yet. The only pictures of us are just us hanging out. Even with the denying of a relationship, people still accuse me of being a "slut."

I can't get this one tweet out of my head; a mirror selfie of me with little writings on the side pointed to certain parts of my body describing everything that is wrong with that part.

I don't understand what I have don't to even deserve this kind of treatment. Is this what it will always be like when dating Shawn? I'm not even sure I can handle it.

As my Android slipped from my hands, my eye caught sight of myself in the bedroom mirror reflection. The palms of my hands immediately covered my face from even being able to see my own physique. Just this simple action caused tears to flood the small pockets of air in front of my eyes.

Why do I have to be so delicate as to be upset by my own appearance?

Shawn ~
            "No! You don't understand! How am I supposed to do all of that in one day?! That's way too much!" I bickered with my manager, Andrew, over the phone while I was driving back to my apartment.

"You have to! Don't argue with me." He angrily shouted through the call just before he ended it.

Groaning, I slam my hand against the steering wheel in frustration. Andrew doesn't understand the amount of stress that goes into this job. He just books performances and gets money.

He doesn't know the amount of sleep I don't get. He doesn't know the amount of time I spend away from my family. He doesn't know just how invasive in my privacy people can be. He doesn't know anything.

Huffing into the apartment with exhaustion, the sounds of sobs caught my attention.


Closing the front door, I slowly walk down the hallway to see where the sound came from. Approaching the bedroom door, I peeked through the door to see Noelle lying on top of the bed covering her face with her sleeves.

"Noelle, are you crying?" Opening the door, I walked closer towards her as she tilted her head in my direction. Just at the sight of her red tears eyes made me quickly be at her side. I held her up to where she would be sitting upwards next to me.

"What's wrong?" I worriedly asked while rubbing my eyes. Con of being in this business: sleep deprivation.

Cautiously taking a seat next to her, I rub her back as she continued to cry. Luckily, she began to speak up with a quiver in her voice.

"It's just this mean post I saw, it's nothing." She forcefully changed her sobs into sniffles.

"Obviously it was not just 'nothing.'" I put air quotes around the word nothing.

"It just doesn't make me feel good, that's all."

"What did it say?"

"It had a picture of my body pointing out everything that is wrong with it."

"You really shouldn't look at things like that. Nothing is wrong with you body, okay? You're absolutely fucking gorgeous." I yawned mid-statement out of exhaustion.

Chuckling, she leans her head on my shoulder.

"Thanks. I'm going to stop bothering you, you seem really tired." Lying me down onto the bed, Noelle places a small kiss on my forehead and begins walking out of the room.

"Where are you going?" I asked, lightly grabbing her forearm.

"I'm going to go and watch TV or something until you go to sleep."

"No, I can't go to sleep without you."

A blush covered her cheeks as she scrunched her nose (she always does that when I say something cute).

"Fine, but I want you to get sleep, okay?" Taking her place next to me, she pulled the blanket over our bodies and allowed sleep to take over us.

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