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If y'all aren't into the SEMI BUT NOT FULLY dirty imagine, don't read this. Thank you. 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊

Shawn ~
Silently sitting in her wooden desk at the other side of the classroom, Y/N bite her lip while staring down at her piece of paper while writing. I wish she'd look at me like that. Maybe if she knew my name she'd give me the light of day.

"Shawn! I'm not telling you again, write your sentences! You're not in detention to stare at pretty girls." Mr. Cranston abruptly interrupted my thoughts to yell at me. Being the only other person in the classroom, she looked over to me with a smile washed all over her face.

Slouching back into my chair, I reverted my attention back to my notebook and began to write a bunch of nonsense on the paper.

Mighty Fine
So Divine

Why am I literally just writing lyrics to "Caroline" down, but for Y/N? No wonder I weird her out.

"I have to go print some copies for a study guide packet for my classes, so I'll be back in about ten minutes. Don't try anything." Mr. Cranston glared at us as he left the room and began to walk down the hallway to the teacher's lounge. For some reason, they put the copy machine in there instead of the room with the printer. I shouldn't complain though, it makes his trip farther down the hallway and a longer time away from him the better.

The second he left, Y/N trotted over to the door and locked it. She not only locked the door, but also turned the back classroom lights off.

"What are you doing?" I awkwardly asked her. Walking towards me, I became motionless and numb. Her eyes screamed lust and my body didn't even know how to react.

She took a seat on my desk with her hips near my chest. I restrained myself from breathing heavily, not wanting my chest to accidentally touch her body. No doubt I've always wanted to be this close to her, but now it's just weird.

"You think I'm pretty, huh?" Her voice, my god, stirred my mind up into confusion. Her breath was practically on the top of my head now.

"Sure." I awkwardly responded.

Of course I do! Not just pretty, beautiful!

"Yes or no?" Her eyes fluttered at mine. I swallowed my nervousness down and tried to be confident in front of the one girl I was attracted to.

"... Yes." I didn't mean to be hesitant, I was just trying predict what would happen next. The only thing I could predict was Mr. Cranston knocking down the door and giving us a Saturday detention (again) for not writing our sentences.

"Prove it." Her breath trilled against my ear.

Hopping off of the desk top, she pushes back the desk to clear space in front of me. Now it was just me awkwardly sitting in the chair with her provocatively standing in front of me.

Her legs meet the sides of my chair as she slowly sat on my lap.

This totally isn't weird or awkward at all...

"You know... M-Mr. Cranston could come back any second now--"

"Shh... talk with your hands, not your lips."

I gulped on my words as her hands wrapped around my neck. This is probably the only time I will ever be this close to girl and I'm not even comfortable with this. Then again, this is Y/N we are talking about. She isn't just some girl. She's the girl.

Moving from around my neck to my hands, she places my hands around her waist as her lips had finally met mine.

I hadn't even talked to her yesterday and now she's all over me. What's with the sudden change.

Her lips sent me into a temporary trance that made me not want to come back to reality. Her lips tasted sour, but being this close in contact was sweet enough for me. Continuing to be provocative, she began to slide her own hands underneath my shirt, making my heart practically implode just at the feeling of her smooth touch.

The sudden sound of keys jiggling the doorknob made my heart pound out of my chest as well as Y/N's (yes, she was that close to me). She quickly hopped off of me and was stuck standing at my side as Mr. Cranston stared at as while entering the classroom.

After mentally assessing the situation, he waves her off to sit in her desk as she listened to his directions.

I grabbed the desk Y/N had pushed aside into its original position.

"Nothing happened, correct?" His eyes glared through his reading glasses. I looked back to Y/N with pink cheeks as she bit her lip. I then turned back to Mr. Cranston to reply to his question.


Tell me if you want more like these (cute, but lustful imagines)! If so, tell me what kind (be somewhat specific)!

Shawn Mendes ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now