Treat You Better (pt.2)

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Y/N ~
I drove home with the most appalled look in my face. I rubbed my lips vigorously with my wrist to try to get him off of me. Is it bad that I don't want him off? I stared at my wrist as I wondered whether or not I should go back to him. Should I have just ran out of there? I probably shouldn't have.

"Turn the light off." I heard John blankly told me as he scrolled his thumbs up and down his phone. I walked up and held my hand up to the light switch.

"Do you care for me?" I asked him as my hand stayed motionless on the light switch. I looked back at him lying on the bed with a dead look on his face. I coughed into the thick air multiple times before he finally averted his attention to me.

"Huh? What?" He asked with no care in the world. I don't mean that in a good way.
"Do. You. Care. For. Me?" Spit flew out of my mouth.

He licked his lips before rolling his eyes to
the back of his head.

"Just turn the light off, Y/N." He went back to browsing on his phone. Who the hell does he think he is? This is it. This is fucking it. I slapped my hand on the wall to emphasize my anger. I'm weak, so it wasn't much.

"John! I care for you so much! Why don't you give me anything back?!" I was basically pulling out my hair at this moment.

He stayed silent. Nothing. He didn't have anything to say. There was nothing he could say to me. I grabbed my jacket and stormed out of the house. I'm not going to cry. I'm not going to cry.

I hopped into my car and put my keys into the ignition. I gripped my fingers around the wheel before stopping everything. Where am I going? To Shawn's? Am I really going to crawl back to him after running out like a little baby? I don't know how to feel now.

I quickly grabbed my phone to give John one last text.

No more. ✌️

A smirk escaped my lips before driving to my destination.


Shawn ~
            I leaned my back onto the wall, not knowing where to start in fixing everything. Fuck. I slapped my hand against the wall in frustration.

Knock knock.

I rolled my eyes and hesitantly answered the door, not wanting to leave my place. I open the door to see Y/N standing awkwardly in front of me. She stared at the ground and played with the bottom of her shirt.

"I'm sorry, Shawn." She bit the bottom of her lip. She looked up to my with the smallest hope in her eyes for me to respond. She walked in and immediately sat on my bed. I slowly closed the door and took a seat next to her.

We sat there in silence for about five minutes before she spoke up.
"We broke up." Her lips were stained pink as she bit into them.
"Sorry to hear that." I mumbled back to her. She's obviously hurting right now.

"Don't be. You're why we broke up."
"I'm so sorry, Y/N."
"I meant... I meant to thank you for helping gain the courage to break up with him. He... He just wasn't good for me."

I wrapped my arm around her shoulders in attempt to comfort her. I couldn't tell her that I was glad that she left that rotten relationship.

She looked up at me before leaning forward to connect our lips. I was so confused at what she was doing. She only JUST got out of a relationship. Why did she kiss me all of the sudden? I didn't kiss back. I couldn't have kissed back.

She pulled back with confusion written all over her face.

"I thought... I thought you liked me?" She stuttered on her words. I'm still absolutely unsure about everything that's going on in that moment.

"Um, I do. I'm way better than John, but you seem like your just forcing yourself to do this."
"Shawn, I'm not forcing myself. I never realized that the best thing I had was right in front of me all along. I'm sorry for never taking your word for it..." She looked down at her gray converse shoes.

I held her head in my hand and slowly leaned in. Her lips attached onto mine like a puzzle piece. She was quick in realizing how comfortable her statement made me.

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