Its Snowing

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Y/N ~
The hair on my arms stood up at the cold weather Canada brought. Although my love for Canada will forever stay true, the weather freaking sucks.

Winter is the worst time of the year. Yeah, the snow was pretty and all and we sometimes had school cancelled, but it still sucks. The doors to our backyard door would be iced shut, in very cold occasions, and my dumb brother would open it (somehow) and let all of the snow in. I despise him at times for the pesky things he did.

I continued to walk down the sidewalk, like the idiot I am, as the breezes blew over my shoulders.

Why I didn't bring a jacket, I don't know. I wore long sleeves, though. I'm still cold, I'm so dumb. I pulled my phone out to see what time it was. The only damn reason I was out here was so I could go and get the mail. My driveway elongated down the slope. Plain, nearly dead trees stretched around the road as I had finally reached the mailbox. I always make sure to walk down here at 4 pm everyday. Maybe I should have my brother do it instead of me in this terrible weather.

The driveway ended at a straight road that held multiple houses on them. A couple of people played around in the snow with big marshmallow jackets. They're crazy to be out here, but they're probably pretty warm.

I leaned against the sturdy metal box, waiting for the mailman to come on down to the end of the street. I looked up to the neighbors continuing to attempt to make snow men. They're actually terrible at it, I giggled at the friendly relations they all shared.

One of them turned around and looked straight at me. I couldn't see their face through all the snow fluttering on my eyelids. They wave their hand in greetings toward me. I wave back, and took at my hair out of my barely lifted ponytail. Hopefully, that can cover up the back of me neck.

I watched as the person walked closer and closer toward me until they stood at my front.

"Hey Y/N, why are you out here?" I hadn't noticed it was Shawn until he looked straight into my eyes. He looked just as cold as me, but less dead.

"I'm waiting for the mail to come." I responded as I rubbed my arms in attempt to warm myself; it barely worked.

"The mail to come? Didn't you hear? The roads are closed, because of the snow. They're blocking everything!" I rolled my eyes in annoyance as I realized that I had wasted my time and energy.

"Sorry about that, Y/N." He rubbed the back of his neck. "If you want, you can come hang out with me and my friends." He pointed to the group of people chasing each other around the front of a yard.

"It's alright, but thanks, Shawn. I prefer to just stay inside with the heater and drink some warm coffee." I begin to walk back down the long concrete driveway until he lightly held onto my hand and twirled me around. As I abruptly turned around, my face came in contact with his chest. Of course, I didn't run into it, but face did tap the middle of chest. He was warmer than any coffee I've ever had.

His hand grazed my arm as he presented his smile to me.

"Are you cold? Here, take my jacket." He unraveled his warm black jacket and held it out to me.
"Oh, no. It's alright, Shawn. I'm not cold."
"Really? Your teeth are literally chattering right now." I immediately stopped my jaw from moving, not realizing that Shawn was right.
"Just wear it." He lifted his eyebrows and dressed me in his jacket.

He laughed at me.
"It's a little too big for you, but it should be fine." He held his hand out for me to grab and we both walked toward the front yard.

"You won't be cold?" I asked him. He looked down at me with a sheepish smile on his face.

"Not around you."

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