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Shawn ~
"How can we continue fighting like this?!" I yelled out to Y/n. We yelled back and forth as this had become a routine for us. We both know that yelling does not resolve anything, but we do it any way. I don't know why we do it. We act like trailing fixes everything. I wish we would go back to where we used to be in our relationship. Just tranquility. Pure and sweet. Now, all we do is yell and fight and cry and scream. Just make it all stop, please.

"I don't know! God!" She threw her hands up and rolled her eyes. She rubbed her forehead in stress.

"I hate fighting, babe." I placed my hand on her shoulder only for her to quickly shrug it off. "Don't call me babe. I'm mad at you, babe." Her ironic sentence put me into a state of confusion. It only made everything worse, though. I wanted to love her again. I still love her without a doubt, but it's purely just for the sake of it.

"We need to breakup." I nearly stuttered on my words. Her eyes widened as she turned her body toward me. We had never discussed the topic of separating ways, but I'm sure we both have thought about it.

"But... I love you, Shawn?"
"How can you love me if you never even talk to me?"
"I'm sorry, Shawn. I-I'll talk more, I swear. I'll be so much more open with you. A-And I'll stop myself from fighting with you. I just love you so much, please."
"No! We don't ever talk or do anything with each other any more! Our lives are so different than how it was last year. We aren't in touch anymore."

She rested her head in the palm of her hand as she bit her lip. She began to shake her head and roll her eyes.

"Do you even love me?" She glared at me.
"Yes. Of course I do, but that doesn't mean we don't fight. We do."
"I can't believe you!" She rolled her eyes tumultuously thus beginning another fight.

"Just leave, Shawn. I don't want to look at you." I refrained myself from fighting back. It was time I turned the other cheek and actually tries to solve our problems. When I looked over to her, her eyes were swelling up in tears as she knew what was about to happen.

I walked over to the door as I grabbed my coat and a small amount of my personal belongings. I know I'm never coming back.

"When I close this door, you'll see that this is the only path to fix this. To fix "us."" She stayed in the same stance she was in before.
I bit down on my tongue and walked out.

I was never going to see her again, yet I still loved her.

Shawn Mendes ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now