Deceit From a Lover

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This is from a short book I was going to publish, but never did since I didn't think people would read it. That's why the name Rosie is put in.

Shawn ~
              I waited in my small silver Toyota for Rosie for us to hang out.

6:00 PM.

A little late, I know, but she claimed to be busy any other time today. The sky actually looked quite pretty at this time of day. It was beginning to set as the night sky began to tilt in its wheels.

I'm excited to actually get to do this with her, since we haven't done anything like this in the longest time. She has always been busy with "school" or always texting Kayla. She obviously isn't too good with showing affection. Sometimes it's just a burden on me, but I try to let it go with a smile on my face. Sometimes, a smile just isn't enough. She probably doesn't fully understand the amount of endearment I have for her. To me, she's the special kind of girl that brights up the room the second she walks in. My stomach turns upside down in the best way.

She opened the passenger door and and nonchalantly sat in the seat. Again, on her phone. I lifted my eyebrows at her as she didn't care to greet me or even look at me at all.

"Hey, Rosie." I spoke up in hopes of actually getting her to respond. Nothing. She simply licked her lips and buckled herself in. I bit my lip and backed out of the parking space.

"What ever happened to you?" I mumbled under my breath.

"Nothing." She bluntly replied.

"Oh, so you can answer an argument, but can't say 'hello?'" I rolled my eyes.

"I just didn't hear you."

"Yes you did. There is no way you didn't."

"Well, obviously there is, since I didn't hear you. God."

"Why do you always act like this?"

"Act like what?"

"Like this! You can't even simply say hi to me and then you just ignore me."

"My world doesn't revolve around you, ya know?"

"I know that, but that doesn't mean you can just simply block me out of it."

"Uh, yes it does. Why does it even matter to you?"

"Because I love you, God!"

My hands slammed the wheel in frustration realizing I had never told her that. I rubbed my forehead as we had never been in such an argument before.

I looked to my right to see her frozen in place. She looked petrified.

"You what?" She gulped down her words.

"I... I love ... you... Rosie. I love you Rosie."

I turned my entire body to face her. Luckily, we just parked and weren't in the way of any oncoming traffic.

"Oh..." That simple word left her lips and ironically left me petrified. We both stay still and frozen like two blocks of cement ready to be compiled onto each other.

"I... love you too, Shawn... I'm sorry about the way I've been. I've just been really stressed lately and can't think straight. I... I don't know why... I thought that it was--"

I cut her off by placing my lips onto hers. I died at her touch. I die the second I lay my eyes on her or even hear her voice. She's killing me. Her kisses were different this time, though. She killed me, but it was like her lips were already dead. They didn't feel as warm as they used to do when I kissed them. I didn't care, her lips didn't attract me, she did.

I pulled back to see her eyes still wide opened.

"Why... did you just--" she began before I spoke.

"You're the only one I ever want, Rosie. You're the only one I've ever wanted to hold or hear or be next to. I'm wildly in love with you and I don't want to be the only person in the world that knows it. I want you and only you, and I hope you feel the same way." Her cheeks went pink as she nodded and leaned in to kiss me once more.

Her delicate arms wrapped around me as she reclined her seat. I leaned over and unbuckled our seat belts. I lied on top of her, never breaking the kiss.


Rosie ~
I woke up in the back of Shawn's car with his arms wrapped around mine. I looked down at our dressed bodies wrapped in a towel. I'm surprised we are dressed. Wait, wrong person. My phone vibrated in my back pocket. I quickly took it out so Shawn wouldn't wake up.

I need you right now

I want you right now

I gasped at the texts. There's no need for further inferring, because she obviously wants me. Why am I such a confused slave for her loving? Her lips made me feel like Alice in Wonderland. Something about a woman's body interested me. However, I still enjoyed the body of a man.

My lips curved into a smile at them. We had been flirting for a long while. I feel like I've been cheating in Shawn. I practically have been, but the heart wants what it wants, right? Will this lead to something else? I don't want to, but then again I do.  I set my phone in the small cup holder on the door closest to me.

I then realized that I can't. Shawn is literally right here, how can I just leave my boyfriend for someone else? I feel bad for him, though. He just confessed his feelings for me, and I returned the favor. I shouldn't have let him kiss me. I shouldn't have said that I loved him. I shouldn't have stayed with him in his car.

My stupid heart is being stretched way too much. I can't make up my mind whether or not I like Shawn or Kayla more. If I stay with Shawn, my heart will just want the touch of a woman even more. However, if I go to Kayla, I'll breaking the heart of someone who actually loves me as well as losing the lustfulness of a man.

I quietly climbed out of the car and began to walk my way to her house. I looked around to get a sense of where I was to find that her house was about a mile away. This will be a long walk.

Shawn ~
            My arms stretched out as I yawned to the sound of the door closed. I rubbed my eyes to see Rosie walking farther and farther away from the car.

What the hell? How is she just leaving me in the backseat of my car? Where is she even going?

I pulled my phone out of my pocket to text her. I'm extremely exhausted.

To Rosie:
Where are you going

The second after I sent her the text, I heard a loud vibration come from inside the car. My head was stirred by the sound until the sight of her phone caught my eye. I'm surprised she left it, she seems to be glued to it 24/7.

I grabbed it to see her lock screen filled with texts from Kayla.

Hurry up

I don't like to wait

I unlocked her phone to see what she was "waiting" for. My thumb scrolled through their conversation. My lips parted at the sight of them.

Very vile pictures of the two sent to each other. It made me want to gag. Not at the sight of the pictures, but the fact she had the audacity to send them.

Since when was she attracted to girls? She's been cheating on me right under my nose. No wonder she's always texting her.

My eyes spilled water onto the screen of her phone. I dropped her phone onto the floor of my car and sobbed into the palms of my hands. My fingers dug into my skin as my mind wasn't able to grasp the fact that everything was a lie. My heart was stripped apart.

Maybe I can convince her that I'm better than Kayla. I can't even think straight. (Neither could she).

I covered my mouth and screamed into my wet palms.

Should I post more from this book or not?

Shawn Mendes ImaginesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz