Bad Reputation pt.1

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For Camilalover2000 and someone else asked for a bad rep imagine but I can't find who

Shawn ~
           She wore a blue cardigan with ripped black skinny jeans and never cared to style her hair like the other girls attending school. She's a living cliché, but I can't tell whether I'm thinking of that out of pure thought or the mob-like mentality that surrounds her name. Nonetheless, she's the only thing that's occupying my thoughts at the moment.

Sitting behind Y/N in American History gives me time to truly memorize her features. The lights are off so Mrs. Harris can present the PowerPoint in the class, so admiring her was a bit harder. Her dark [or light] hair cascaded like a waterfall onto my desk. I'd typically push a girl's hair off of my desk top, but I feel as if I'd be interrupting the silence of her mysterious beauty if I were to say anything.

I felt a nudge on my shoulder from Brian. He had a folded piece of loose leaf paper he urged to pass to me. I reluctantly took it and hid it under my notebook to read it.

Write how big Y/N's ass is :
Huge <--- who wrote that? She's a stick
Nah she's thick
You think she rides?
She did ride Justin
She apparently did a lot of things, a thot
True, can't wait for the things imma do to her
Snap the pics of her on sc <-- I gotchu

I looked back at Brian confused as he intensely watched me for a reaction. He and his buddies that sit in the back are barely holding in their laughter. I made glances between them and the paper before I heard the clacking of Mrs. Harris' heels coming my way. I immediately turned around and acted as if I was paying attention.

She stops at my desk and everyone stares in my direction, even Y/N. Mrs. Harris sternly looks at me before turning her attention to the boys in the back. Her presence standing over me intimidated me, but I'm just glad she didn't say anything. A small sigh of relief escapes my lips.

After a five minute lecture about being attentive in class to the boys, Mrs. Harris returned to the front of the room to continue her monotonous presentation.

My eyes dart down to my notebook to see the piece of folded paper gone. My heartbeat increased at the thought of the teacher finding that it was in my possession.

However, it was far worse to actually find out that Y/N was the one to not only notice the note, but pick it up and read the comments made about her. I must've caught her the second she began reading it, because her facial expressions went from "confused" to "disgust."

She stared at the paper longer than necessary in order to, seemingly, analyze what was being said about her. I could only focus on the sadness that grew in her eyes. The feeling made me cringe but there was no way around it. She read it and I'm watching her reaction.

Y/N's eyes connected to mine in a way that I never wanted them to. I watched her eyes waters and lips quivered. Why do I keep staring?

"Y/N--" I whispered, but she cut me off by crumpling up the piece of paper and weakly throwing it onto the ground. I tried to get her to look at me by lightly holding her forearm, but she yanked it out of my grasp and ran out of the room, book bag loosely wrapped around her arm and her hand latched over her mouth.

The abrupt exit caught everyone's eyes. Confused, Mrs. Harris walked out of the classroom to talk to Y/N, as any teacher would. Chatter then filled the classroom as I guiltily slumped into my seat.

Brian nudged my shoulder once again causing me to turn around.

"Did she see the paper?" He asked in a casual manner. It was as if Brian had no remorse whatsoever. "Yeah..." I couldn't help but feel bad for her. Who are we to crack jokes about someone we don't even know?

"It's alright; she'll forget about it sooner or later." He patted my back before returning to his friends. I don't want him to pat my back. I wish he would've never passed me that note. I don't think I'll ever be able to comprehend what goes through someone's head in order to write such a disgusting thing.

Shawn Mendes ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now