Romanticizing Interview

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For majorchoirgeek_1999
This is a seriously long one, but I promise it is good and interesting. I hope you like this, Brianne.

Brianne ~
         The sound of my heels clacked loudly as I juggled a tray of coffees for my boss and her team. I wish interning would be more than just getting coffee. On some hopeful occasions, it actually is. The only thing I'm really looking for is to interview Shawn Mendes later today. Magazine journalism interns need to learn interviewing skills and gather enough information necessary to write a successful article.

"Hey Brianne! Make sure to meet us at Claridge Hotel for the interview." My boss shouted as she took the tray of coffees out of my tiresome arms.

Rolling my eyes, I walk to my car and begin the drive to the hotel. It wasn't far, but I hated driving in general. I hated being an intern, really. I would've never fussed just how much work they would pile up on my from dusk to dawn.

Interviewing Shawn would be my first field project as an intern. To be honest, I'm surprised they even let an intern interview such a big pop star like himself.

After parking my car in the cracked concrete, I walk inside to meet Shawn and begin the intimidating interview.

"Brianne!" A previous photographer I had worked with called out for me. "Oh, hey Hannah!" She and I shared nice greetings back and forth to one another.

"So, you're interviewing Shawn, eh?" She asked, carefully holding a large camera in the palms of her hands. "Yeah. You're taking pictures?" I ironically asked, giving her a slight chuckle. "Of course. Let's go inside and start. It's just going to be me, a couple other photographers, and his team."

Our feet trotted into the hotel. By the way this place looked, the word "hotel" was an understatement to describe this place. Someone must've rented the ballroom out, because it had just become an area for Shawn and cameras.

A gorgeous marble staircase had engulfed everyone's attention when they first walked in. It must've lead to the rooms in the hotel. With the sleek floors and large windows to look out onto the infamous Atlantic City beaches, it was all too surreal to even comprehend.

"So," Hannah started once again," we will be doing the photoshoot for about thirty minutes or more. You can just sit in this chair and watch. After, Cole told me that the interview is going to be in his hotel room. See you in a bit." Her smile was soon out of sight as her large camera covered most of her face.

Shawn actually has a room in this hotel?! Of course he does, he's a millionaire.

Taking a seat on a flimsy black beach chair, I watch Shawn walk into the big room. He was then told to lie on a cyan couch that had been set up just for him. A couple of the photographers walked up to him to adjust his appearance before being able to take any pictures.

Finally, they parted from Shawn to capture his essence in their cameras.

Lying on the couch, his chest was the star of the show. No shoes, no shirt, but he still got service. Well, he was wearing a long sleeved jacket, but I'd prefer for him to not wear it at all. He definitely was suited for modeling. His jawline defined his entire pose; lying on the couch, right leg bent, torso clearly showing.

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