Beautiful Blue Dress

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Y/N ~
"Babe, I don't think I'm going to be able to go out tonight. My legs are honestly so exhausted from walking around so much today that I can't walk to the restaurant." I disappointingly told Shawn.

"It's okay babe, I understand. We can just go out to dinner tomorrow or something." He calmly replied with a weak smile.

"I'm really sorry, but I feel like my legs are just going to fall off. Why don't we just have a dinner here tonight? Like... we get dressed up as we normally would, and have a cute dinner or something. I feel really bad for just cancelling our plans." Shawn's beautiful brown eyes lit up at the idea as his pink lips curved into an excited smile.

"That actually sounds great, baby. I'll make the dinner, wait actually you make the dinner-- I mean no I'll make it for real this time. We can get dressed, I'll make dinner, and I'll bring you down here to eat." We giggled at his mix up of words. I nodded my head before he quickly placed a peck on my lips before rushing to the bathroom to get dressed.

Walking into my closet, I perused my collection of hanging clothes to determine the best dress to wear for tonight. I had initially planned to wear a simply black fitted dress, but I'm not wearing something as uncomfortable as that when I'm going to have a date in my own home.

Plump fingers of mine traced the dresses I had until the feeling of pure pleasure stricken me, signifying the most comfortable feeling dress. I felt the shoulder of my favorite dress and automatically recognized it as the one for me to wear. I pull out the dress and is hanger before setting it onto the side.

This night is going to be perfect for just Shawn and I.

(😏😏😏 vvv)
Looking into my dressers, my eyes wander onto Shawn's favorite lingerie I wear. Maroon lace. With a smirk on my face, I put that on the side and and make sure to put that on just for Shawn.

In the closet, I changed into my selected clothes and then took a seat onto the edge of our plump bed. With my legs crossed, I patiently waited and patted out the folds of the blue dress that wrapped my body.

Shawn exited the bathroom as his brown eyes immediately landed on the flow of my attire.
Jaw dropped with a curl falling just over his left eye, he approached me in a star struck manner.

"God, I love you," he chuckles me and grabbed my face to plant a soft kiss on my lips.

"I have to make dinner and I want it to be super special so, uh, don't go in there until I call you, ok? Please?" Still pecking me with kisses, I laughed and nodded my head. Shawn rushes into the kitchen and I waited for him.


"Babe!" Shawn called from the kitchen. Finally, I thought. I walked into the living room next to the kitchen to see our dining table covered with candles and our dinner set at both ends.

Taking off his apron, Shawn smiles approaches me with the most love-filled smile I've ever seen on him.

"Excuse me, Ms. Y/L/N, your seat right this way," he held out his bent arm for me to hook onto as we walked to the table and sat to eat.


You're still the one I want to talk to in bed
Still the one that turns my head
We're still having fun, and you're still the one

'Still The One' by Orleans whirled in our ears as we danced in there low lights of the candles near us.

Shawn and I sang along as we spun each other around until it was time to replay the song and we repeated the cycle.

My dress twirled as Shawn spun me around.

"I love you so much, Y/N," he planted a small kiss on my neck before spinning me around once more.

The aroma of a new life surrounded me as I stopped spinning to see Shawn on his knee, a small box opened. I froze and widened my eyes, making me dumbfounded.

"Y/N," reaching out for my hand, Shawn's voice trembled as he spoke, "I can't imagine living if I'm not with you. My beautiful princess, marry me?"

Tears streamed down both of our cheeks as I nodded. He carefully placed the ring onto my finger before standing up and connecting our lips.

It's been a while guys, sorry but heyyyyyy hope y'all had a great Christmas :)))))

I'm trying to update all of my books BUT in the meantime, read my new book "State Of Mind"! 5 chapters up rn!!

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