The journey of 528491...!!!

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For the timing let's walk through the journey of 528491...
The Girl

    Well it all began with the person who did changed my life, gave me a new road to walk upon, when I really needed someone the person was standing with me firmly. Won't mention her name but would just call her as "The Girl".

26th May' 11
Chapter One : The first Meet... and the first Best Friend...
    I had to go to Kanyakumari for my vacations. It was 16th of May 2011. I never used to talk with her, but why I don't know I thought that I should talk with her. I was very eager to see her after knowing that she is going to come too. We had a train at 1:00 in night. She had got into train from the previous station. The train arrived and as I got into train I started searching for her. Couldn't find her so had to go off to bed. In morning when I woke up the first person whom I saw it was her. I had a flashback of my first encounters with her, and I was relieved with those memories of her. After the morning breakfast I spend my whole day with her, as we were going to reach Kanyakumari the next day. I was a kind of a jolly person that time and even a flirty person.
    We reached the Kanyakumari station and decided that we both would sit together. I wanted to flirt with her as I was doing it with every girl for the last one year. After reaching the hotel everyone got fresh and had a snap with her. She was looking amazing. We reached to the Vivekananda rock and that place was like a serene place for me, as I loved to see the sunset along the sea, but I never had a chance to see it, but this time I got to see. The next morning I wanted to share the sunrise with her. To my surprise even she wanted to do the same. Days were passing by and we were having much fun all the time. Used to be together  for the whole time, for breakfast, lunch and even dinner. Later on during our vacation we had to travel a night in bus. We choose to spend the night together on same seat. We had the best talk we ever had in our life. while sleeping we had one blanket and all the others were sleeping. I couldn't ask anyone for blanket so we had to sleep together in one blanket. Well later I told her to have the whole blanket as the A/C on our couch could not be turned off... I was like freezing but she was important to me. Later on in our journey we went to Kodai Kanal. This place so serene and so beautiful that I couldn't get my eyes of the site. After reaching the hotel we all got fresh and warmed up ourselves as the temperature over there was pretty cold. It was a hill station after all. As I came out and when I saw her we were wearing the same color dress code, but we were not talking with each other. I don't know why but today I didn't wanna flirt with her today. I was just looking at her as if I found someone special and dear to me. She was enjoying the atmosphere over there. Suddenly she felt cold and looked at me at that moment. I knew what she wanted to tell me cause from the last few days we were able to read our thoughts from our facial expression. I gave her my jacket and she said "Nik can I hold your hand...???" I knew I have behaved wrong with her for the last few days as I have been flirting with her, but that day I had changed myself for her, my behaviour towards her. I replied saying that,"I am holding your hand but I won't leave it ever again." She smiled and held my hand. Maybe she thought that I was joking but sometimes I never joke for such things, specially this day. Later we had a lovely evening spend together. The next morning we had different buses to travel and I really wanted to be with her today. I didn't got opportunity though. That evening I did got a chance to be together. I had my brother for life sitting between us. There was leakage above the A/C vent where he was sitting. I had my hand held the whole time so he couldn't catch cold due to the leaked water.
    It was time for us to go back from the vacation. It was going to be our last evening in the train. I always loved to play a game, specially with girls. Staring in their eyes. I started with another girl who was there with us and eventually I won. Later I started looking at her. The game eventually began. We spend almost a minute looking at each other and none of us blinked. As we were going deep into each other's eyes I realized something and I took my eyes off her. Maybe the thing was only I realized it and I had to blink. We didn't talk that evening and even in morning when she was getting down the train. After a couple of hours I did got a text. Fortunately it was her. I still remember what she said in that message. "Nik these were the best moment I had. Thank you. I reached home." Finally a good time came to end for this trip...

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