31st December' 12 Chapter Fifteen : The breakup and Rise Of 528491 in NFS MW...

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Preliminary exams got over today and before that many things have happened recently. best and worst things. She went back home I was missing her and wanted to meet her but she was like please Nik don't love me so much, things are not going to end well. We should stop here. On 12th Nov she had her birthday, the previous one we celebrated as she was not going to be here on 12 so. I had been posting new posts for her on my Social network wall. On 14th I went to my grandfather's place as my favourite aunty from Mumbai had came there. She came to know about me and her. She said to stop everything and took my cell phone as soon as I reached there.

Uncle had planned to go at her place as he had some work and we had to go to a temple. The previous morning on 16th night I took my brother's cell and text her that uncle is going to come I won't be coming you go with them. She got angry as I was an hour away from her and I couldn't even come to meet her. She said do anything you want I'm not going to go with them. I said let's see if I text in morning then be prepared or else sleep the whole day. She loves sleeping. Next morning I got up early and had to be ready before everyone. Aunty knew why I was getting ready so perfectly. She said you won't get a chance to talk to her and I'm going to make it sure you don't talk. I was relaxed cause I knew how my aunty was and even she knew what I was. Reached their home and I was snoring. During holidays I sleep for long time. Her perfume gave me indication that she was also coming maybe she knew that I was going to come obviously I had to she was waiting for me. Later we stopped for the breakfast and all I ordered was two dosas one idli chuteny and sandwich. How can someone have so much for breakfast. I knew when she's around I tend to eat a lot. Later I was having talk with her father. After a while we went to couple of temples where we took the blessings together not even letting others know what we were upto. After the temple visit we quickly went to the vehicle and sat behind together with my brother between us. Aunty got furious, soon we stopped for our lunch. Everyone got out and my brother said,"She's looking awesome". I told him to say it to her directly and she blushed. Again the same thing eating a lot and my small brother getting close to me and eat. I taunted her by saying yes I love kids and I'm gonna take care of my own like this. Everyone there laughed. Again we got a chance to sit together behind. This time everyone was sleeping so we had a chance to hold our hands as it was long time. I did start being close to her touching her and holding her hand. It was giving me a different feeling when I did hold her hand. Suddenly she shove my hand when I was touching her and that made me little angry. We stopped at a relative for tea. While returning from there we were sitting next to each other now and she took my hand on her lap for sometime as it was dark and no one was looking behind. I was trying to be much romantic now even if everyone was there. In evening I saw some guy's message in her inbox and got furious and didn't talk to her for the rest of the evening. Even she didn't cared to talk now cause I wasn't trusting her and no girl would like this thing. She was being close to me and I didn't even have trust on her. I felt bad for it and so I punished myself by taking off my shirt and staying half naked in the vehicle. The windows were open and the vehicle was speeding around 100 km/hr. It was November month night and I was freezing but I did a mistake so I had to punish my self. After reaching home the driver said we'll stay here tonight I can't drive more so I thought it may be a chance for me to apologize. She went down for wash room I followed her and tried to talk with her but she was angry I could see that, and went off to bed. I couldn't sleep. Thought of telling her everything the very next morning what all I was hiding from her. Next morning everyone went down. I told my brother to go and check out whether she was awake or still sleeping. She was awake, I went and said good bye, and sorry and was leaving the room. Thought of looking back once and she I could see it in her eyes that she didn't want me to go. I told my brother to keep a watch on the stairs and we talked for some time and shared a moment as for my mistakes I could only give her a moment to remember. Later I went down and gave my brother my key chain and told him to give it to her, and bring back. He came empty handed and I had to go and collect the key chain myself, while coming back, this time she stopped me. Well it wasn't working good cause everyone was in the house and she wanted some romance time. What the hell.? Control your horses dear we have lot to do later, but still we did had the moment again and I took off from her room. I went down and called her. She was coming down. Went to kitchen and got tea for us. I don't know why she was looking at me the whole time while standing over there but I was feeling uncomfortable. My aunty as sitting right next to me and I had told her what my aunty warned me about. Still she continued, being morning time still I was eating a lot. How can I be so nervous when she's around. It was time for us to leave. When I came back at grandfather's place even I had to leave as my preliminary exams were approaching.

3 days passed after that and one morning on 21st November she calls saying everyone came to know about the birthday that we celebrated. I finally came to know that now it's all going to end up. I knew how our relatives were. Crazy and selfish people. Well even I was selfish but I cared for her. I came back home and did quarrelled with mother as I knew how this thing went off to my other aunty. I was pissed on mother and blamed her for getting in between me and her. Obviously she wasn't the reason but something was and she was involved. We both were posting emotional things for each other on social network and letting us know that we need to stay away now, but can never hate each other, but she didn't knew that I wanted her to hate me. We both got emotional but she had to stay away from me and so she took a decision on 28th November of staying away from me. I was broken my exams were from 3rd December and I was not in a state to give exams. I don't know what the result is going to be. Second semester started on 16th December. My division had got changed due to some college reason. New classmates and I was not in a mood to talk with anyone. a week later after Christmas I was sitting on the last seat and a group of boys came and ask me whether "I was the same guy who played NFS during the college fest?" I did see them during the race event but didn't knew that they were in my division. One of the guy invited me on the hostel for a race with them. I agreed as I wanted something to distract me from her. Cause everyday I was spending my time either thinking of her or playing games at home or staying alone in class. Last week I invented some of my code language and found of her name as 528491. I started using it during the race and in fact I was winning every single one of them. I was so obsessed with that name that everyone in the hostel came to the room to watch me racing. It was 4 hours we were sitting there and playing. I wanted to go as it was too long for me to wait. While going we played one last race and I lost. Mak (a guy who was also playing with us) said what a loser he is couldn't play a simple track and everyone want's to watch his race. That pissed me of and the I decided to make him realise the power of 528491. From now on my only objective will be the best racer in the university.

New year is about to come. We did have some messages exchanged. Little fights and tagging each other on social network walls. I miss you idiot, I love you, don't go away and most importantly Happy New year Dear, Love you. I need to sleep now enough of writing for today after a long time or else I'll be in tears now...

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