16th September'15 Chapter Twenty Five : Surprise...

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She had left her Post Graduation as she had a subject back from her last semester. She was going for banking classes. Tomorrow's Ganesh Chaturthi, the arrival of Lord Ganesha the only person whom she trusts in her whole life. After that last incidence I guess that friend of her never talked to her again. I never wanted you to stay away from your friends maybe I was being too possessive and over protective I shouldn't have done that.

I was continuing to talk as Shri with her and to cheer her up I thought of giving her a surprise. Recently I met with one of my friend from Wadia College. Vipul. A good and kind guy. He contacted me after a long time after seeing my emotional posts on my social network wall. He visited me couple of times along with his girlfriend. I called him up recently and asked him whether he'll be available along with his girl for giving her a surprise( surprise to my girl). Well he agreed with that. As I was talking with her everyday(As Shri) once I asked her whether it will be okay if Nik comes. I knew she won't allow me but she insisted Shri on having vodka and obviously I was somehow going to get included but if she didn't want how could I go. First she said no don't call Nik, later said okay let him come. I knew she says no first time and later says yes. As I said predictive type. Last night she told me that her other cousin is coming home for Ganesh Chaturthi and her sister was away at home so she'll be late. I didn't care about that cause I had something else in mind. I went out to get things for the surprise as Vipul had told me. Balloons, satin ribbons, crape papers and all decoration things. I didn't know what he was planning to do but I guess he had something special in my mind. Recently I observed myself that if I get hanged up by alcohol and I do speak things. I thought of having little more and get hanged up and say things to her, but why alcohol I could say those things to her by being sober so I cancelled that plan. It was the first time I took an actual bike to receive her. Before going Vipul and her girl came at my house. I then said whatever your idea is just drop it I found something new. I have a glass centre table at home I told them to decorate it with balloons over the complete edge along with satins hanging around the table and a heart balloon at the centre. Above the sofa decorate the whole ceiling with balloons in purple and white. She had already left from home and I should have reached there in 30minutes and Vipul didn't knew how to blow the balloons. Within 10 minutes I was able to blow 45 balloons. Well before going I did ask her whether she's okay or not and she said no I'm not okay. All my excitement dropped. Obviously nothing was going to happen but I just needed to know in case if something happens. She was uncomfortable sitting on the bike still somehow she managed to come. She didn't knew that the surprise was at my place so I had to wait untill Vipul and his girl complete the arrangement. We stopped by the alcohol shop and she said that I'll have only vodka and as I was going she said no don't get vodka I'm not going to have. I got confused what exactly does she want. I could ask only one question that doesn't she trusts me? She didn't say anything. I needed a beer as it was about a month I didn't have. I had to ask her whether it will be okay if I take beer and she was okay with it. That meant she did trust me and I was not going to break her trust. Vipul was ready with everything and so we reached my place. She got worried as to she didn't expect the surprise to be at my place she was suspicious but in the end she came up.

As we entered home well I couldn't let my words as to how beautiful that surprise was. Obviously I didn't expect them to do so much but that was really sexy thing they had done. Well the introductions took place but they didn't needed one as I had already told about her and even they were eager to meet her. She seemed to be happy today. I know it was too much to give but it was my only chance to let her know that now I'm capable of doing everything that she did expect from me besides one more year down in my academic that I messed up again. I went in to bring glasses for us. As she was having her vodka she seemed to be moved a little and then I took away her glass and said that's enough for today. I was sitting close to her and holding her firmly. I wanted her to know that even today she's my girlfriend and I never had anyone in my life. Vipul needed some time with her girl so he went in other room probably he was also hanged up. I was simultaneously having vodka and beer well that cocktail wasn't good enough. As they went inside she had wore shrugs and I didn't want those on her and told her to get them off. Before she came back I had taken the remaining of vodka and beer. We started watching some photographs of mine from the Goa and Lavasa trip which I had gone recently. (Goa trip in 2014 in previous chapters) I turned off the computer as now was the time I should speak to her. I was sitting close to her on my knees kinda I was going to propose her. I had got a ring for her from my first winning on NFS in 2013 and had been carrying since that time. I showed it to her and spoke things. Romantic ones and responsible talks. I was not so strong enough to control myself and tears shed from my eyes. I needed a good hug from her and she was responding me the same way. I couldn't let that moment go away but I didn't want anything to happen today. No moments nothing. I was not in my senses but I knew what I was doing and talking. I thought of telling her about Shri thing but I ignored. I had got a dress for her and I said I want you to wear it. I went in to get that dress and was going out but she had shut the door. Probably I thought let's see how much she can trust me in this state. I don't know how could I think so much even when I'm high. I asked her whether I should go out and wait or wait inside the room untill you finish. No answer was from her side I should have gone out but I stayed. Well moments later she came close to me and I was talking on cell phone. Mother had called up and as she came near me I couldn't say how sexy she was looking today. Probably this was the very first time I may have called her "sexy" not a good word for a soul mate. Yes I didn't consider her now as a girlfriend she was more than that for me. I had decided of getting a life with her, but first I had to move on with my education that I have missed for last two years and should have told her about how I feel for her actually and what am I planning ahead.

But her appearance made me forget everything and we did shared a moment after so long time. She was comfortable today and more over she didn't fear to be with me she was feeling secure with me. I've messed up things and this girl is trusting me so much I should tell her. But all I did was to keep her away from my sadness and my problems. I know if you want to spend the life with someone you should let everything to your better half, but I didn't want her to be sad or feel bad about me as to how I could suffer so much and still put a smile on my face every time she used to hurt me or try to make me stay away from her. Recently in 2014 summer and in 2015 summer she said to me that she had someone in her life and she's happy with him. Maybe she was saying just to make me away from her but why dear, why to do such thing? I was going to say to her everything her phone buzzed. Her sister called as usual during our moment and everything went off. I had to arrange everything at house properly so we together cleaned up the mess that we had made. Not actual mess but the decoration needed to be taken out. In that state I took her to the place where I had picked her up but not before meeting Shri. My friends think that I can't ride bikes or drive cars. First part is false, second was true I couldn't drive actual car besides being so good at NFS.

After I came back I did ask her how was today's day and she was happy about it. Probably it was due to vodka she had to sleep well not a big issue cause her sissy was not there so she could have slept the whole time. Besides the one which came for holidays. M@nu things are getting worse in my life here. I can't behave the same now I need to focus on something else. Forgive me if I do anything wrong with you but that's for your own good. Love you always... :* :* :*

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