10th January'16 Chapter Twenty Eight : Hate Me Forever Now...

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Today and yesterday was going to be the best day for us but I ruined everything. Probably a nice time was going on untill day before yesterday. We were having normal talks as friends probably like the relation one. Yesterday I should have got everything out what I was hiding and not telling. Every damned thing cause what ever has happened last night and this morning no person would have ever done. Well I had to do cause that was the only way she would hate me forever now.

Yesterday she still wasn't ready with what to wear for the party. In morning she had to get some accessories. (shoes and things) We searched F.C road for the last time if she get's anything to wear. Still there was nothing. I should have got her the dress that she liked in Phoenix Mall but she would never accept that from me. At the footwear store she was going to ask that guy what is the price of the one she had chosen. I knew this because she had done it before. Before she could ask I told her not to ask anything you liked it then just take it. She was like I've to return those money to you that you have spent. (We had always split up our expenses whenever we were out). As I didn't need the money I couldn't say anything to her. After that we had to leave as she had to get ready for the party. I had already kept my things ready, as boys don't need much things. Was I doing the right thing? For some time I was talking as "D" with her and suddenly she said me to message her. (Told "D" to tell me to message her) What on earth now she had to ask me? She had already decided that she'll wear the one that she showed me the day I went at her place on Independence Day. She said,"I have something for you I know you won't like it but still take a look at it." She sent me her pic of what she was going to wear, and as she had said I didn't like it. She had become weak due to which the dress was not fitting her well. She said I'm not going to go I've nothing to wear. I thought why did she said like this I've already planned everything and at last moment she was going to cancel it. I had got her another dress as for now I've two dresses for her at home and they were short and she wanted something long. I went to Camp. It was around 4.00 pm and I had the car booking at 4.00 pm. I called "D" and told him to delay the car pickup. There that lady recognized me as I was being too choosy with the clothes that we were looking for the other day.

It was Saturday evening and there was rush in the shop. Well I did know her size and I literally tried that dress in the shop just to tell the lady how the fitting should be done. Everyone present there gave me an applause and ask me for whom am I taking this beautiful thing? Is she your girlfriend or your fiance?Well cause the dress that I had choose was the best she had in her shop. I said she's my better half and the good person I've ever met. Everyone was amused with my answer. Probably I don't consider her as my girlfriend now since the start of this academic year. She was more than that for me cause I want to spend the rest of my life with her. I know this sounds pretty worse but that was true what I was thinking about us now. The dress was ready. My cell phone battery was depleting and there was no network in the shop. As I came out I had 4 missed calls and several messages. That was not good. Well she was little furious but somehow I knew how to calm her down. I told her to reach at "D" place or near MIT so we could go together. "D" was still in the college for his Annual Function preparation. It was around 6.30 pm and my friends started asking me do we have to come really.? I said we will be late probably 9.00 so be ready and move when I'll call. We reached "D's" place. She was okay with the dress and moreover it was fitting her perfectly. Thought of telling her what all I did in the shop but she may find it awkward. Well something was wrong with the dress so we had to go to the shop again. (well you can understand which shop :P) Most important thing she was okay with me going with her in that shop. She was not able to ask for exactly what we wanted. I had to tell her how the thing should be. It was 7.00 pm and we were still shopping. At that moment I came to know how much girls need to get well with shopping. At least my girl. But still I loved what she was now. Never complained about whatever she was doing cause the change that I wanted in her, she was being that person and I was too happy with it. But I fear whether things won't turn in other way. Like she liking someone else besides me or falling for the person. I shouldn't think like this. We reached back at "D's" place. She had to get ready and even me. She was not able wear the thing that we had got so I had to do the fitting. Well I did want to tell her how beautiful she looks when I see her but maybe this was not the right time. All I could say was, "You've grown weaker." She got ready and started doing her makeup. Well I wanted her to look perfect for today's evening so I urged her that I would do it for her. Doing her makeup was the best thing that I did yesterday. We both got ready and even "D" was ready. As we were moving out mother called. I didn't tell her where I was going to go. I ignored. After couple of minutes my aunty called. I had to receive her call as I never ignored her call. I told her I was attending a marriage and won't be going home and will call mother soon.

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