25th August'15 Chapter Twenty Four : An Apology

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I messed up things as always in a month's time. Things were getting "OKAY" but as usual I had to mess them up. It was Independence Day and as usual I thought she may go out with her friends somewhere for hangout but before that she had to go to college for flag hoisting. My talk with her as Shri was still going on. I couldn't stop talking as our talks were always interesting and never ending. I should tell her soon about this. I was waiting near college for her to come out. I called up another guy from her batch to confirm if she has come to college but she didn't came. It was mandatory for students to come for Independence Day I got the same reply from her that she isn't in college while talking as Shri. I thought something fishy again maybe she's going out with someone, but why would she do it. I thought of taking her for a long ride on the highway as it was close by her home. Somehow I tried to convince her to come for the ride as Shri and she agreed, but said to come at home first she'll get ready and then go out. I got scared as going at her home was too risky thing her cousin and her wife also stayed there but she said no one's at house you can come for 10 minutes. I still didn't want to go as I knew what happens when I'm alone with her. Finally I decided to go and stay away from her and only talk.

I had to take the stairs, if anyone see's me in the lift she may end up in problem. Still her neighbour arrived as I rang her door bell and she had to take me inside. She was angry as to she had called Shri and how did I came. I thought of saying it to her that it's me talking again as him but I didn't want to spoil her mood. I only needed to talk with her and we did start the conversation. She was looking beautiful as always. Her hairs were not tied up they were just over her shoulders. She had just taken her bath. Damned it was so perfect thing for a romantic time to spend but I didn't go there for romance or shit thing I had been there to let her know how much I've been living without her and how badly I want her back in my life. I thought of reminding her all the moments that we had and went close to her for first time ever by myself. She didn't want to have anything but sometimes things do happen and it all started. We tried and tried but sometimes we have to let things happen. Probably nothing happened between us just the moment that we used to have always. Later I asked her to wear one of her party wear dress that she had worn recently. I had never seen her in that dress and she was looking pretty as a barbie. She had to take out her new dress as her old one was bit dirty. Why always new things to show me? I had to go from there as she was getting angry and basically I was acting like an idiot so I had to get out of the room myself. As she was changing I took some numbers from her cell phone the recent guy whom she told me in January. I never thought of calling him but on my birthday on 17th I did call him. He was like dude there is nothing between me and her and whatever we did that time it was just to make you jealous nothing else. I did had beer on my birthday and I was hanged up.

She came to know about it couple of days later and she grew so mad at me that she wasn't even replying Shri. Finally we had to go near her class to meet her. She still didn't want to meet and said to Shri that, "this guy comes at my home and I don't stop him from doing anything can't he trust me this much if I allow him?" Well that question was probably right that she asked me but it was not about trust my dumboo it's about how guys are now a days. I know not every guy is like that but I need to keep you safe. You are vulnerable to things, people. Someone talks sweet with you for some time and there you get flattered by the person's words. Not everyone's intentions are bad but we can't judge people by their talks or the way they behave. I couldn't explain anything to her today I should have told her my fear and why am I doing this but with she in front of me I was talking something else. I took some of her pics by myself. I shouldn't have done that today, but I'm sorry I can't help with it. I need them for giving you some special surprises whenever we'll meet or on any good occasion. We went out of the Mcd well a regular thing was to go to the same Mcd always. Well while leaving she was normal and I hope she remains the same way always.

Well what if I make her realize that how guys are. She's grown up she can understand things but what if those things happen with her. I couldn't let anyone take advantage of her neither I am going to take. Today I decide to let her experience the worst part of me. How can a person go bad. Well sorry I'm doing this so you'll hate me more. It will help me for some things. Trust me with what I'll be doing forward... Love you always... :* :* :*

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