8th January'16 Chapter Twenty Seven : Thank You Idiot...

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Long time again nothing to write. Actually didn't have time though. Exams, talking with her as someone else. Well it was not always me talking sometimes "D" used to message besides planning things out for her best surprise party. Oh sorry didn't wrote it down till yet. Yeah it's gonna be party time... Well I had a good job going on as an intern as a VBA developer. Probably my first step in coding. Basically I love decoding but since he project encoding also became a part of my life. As I could find those things very easy to do.

Recently as we had decided me and "D" and "The Girl" met at the CCD Deccan. He was like why don't you greet each other when you come in front. I know she dosen't like hugging and things in public. That day I was able to let some of things to her as why am I so concerned about her and what wrong I've been thinking. (not anything wierd but things like she not listening to me when I was talking but she listened to each and every word) That day I felt close to her. Thanks to "D". As we were going I said to "D" that I want to give her a birthday surprise cause the last one we celebrated was not upto the mark and I can give her the surprise the way she likes. He agreed. I was continuing to talk with her as D. I was little shocked why didn't he told "The Girl" about the person he said to me. Well her crush or something for whom he was waiting for an answer. I thought this would be a problem for me later but I ignored. Couple of days later after meeting her at CCD I told her as "D" that I'm giving my birthday party ("D's" birthday party) at Hyatt and he wanted her to come. Well she could never ignore parties I knew for sure. I added up one more thing a night out stay. She had to ask at home for that. Her sister ask first why is he including you even after you left college. She gave a reasonable answer and she was okay to leave her for night out. Well double happiness for me. But where to take her for night out. I wasn't only going to be there. "D" was also going to be there so I had to find a good place. Then I thought she loves Mumbai so I planned out Mumbai's plan. Well all I needed was 5 minutes to settle everything. Planning, places, timings what I was always perfect at. The only problem was who was going to drive the car. Obviously I never took her for a car drive in my whole life. First reason was I didn't have one, second whenever I tried to drive a four wheeler I was going to get myself killed. "D"knew how to drive so that problem was also solved. The only problem was me getting included and my friends whom she hates. How should I get myself included?
In last week of December she said to "D" to ask me whether I'll be free this weekend, she wanted to go for shopping. First thing she was going to go for party with "D" why would she go for shopping with me in first place. Yeah even if she wanted to see what I do with her she knows if she's alone with me and I'm high without drinking I get close to her which she experienced for last two times when we met. So why me this time? "D" was going to come in first week of January before the party and she could wait. But I ignored that time which I thought would be worst thing for me. But no I guess this time things were going the way I had planned for the party. Every time I used to wait outside her class she would get depressed but on 31st when I went her mood and smile on her face changed. She was happy to see me. Obviously it was going to be New Year in few hours and according to her I was not doing any mistake. (probably I didn't tell her about D and Shri me talking as them and even mother.) I was having the guilt feeling and she said we'll go tomorrow the whole day as her sister was also not in town. I was okay with that. Later the same evening she was not responding "D" as usual so I text her from my personal number. She had told "D" that her result was not out and her friends were getting calls from the Bank for recruitment and Interviews. That pissed my mind. It was about her career and how could the university delay in results. I texted her and we talked untill 11.30. Well I wanted her to stay up till 12.00 I also said that your sissy is not there let me come there we'll celebrate New Year tonight go for long ride and cheer her mood up. (She was not in a good mood as she would have gone out with her friends for Party) She said as it is we're going to meet tomorrow we'll be having whole day. I was not okay for the day tomorrow. I was lying to her I was not going to be myself the next day cause this thing it kills me talking as different person. But I know I had to do it.
Next morning the New Year well first time in 3 years we wished each other "Happy New Year" I couldn't express my feelings at that moment. I borrowed my cousin's bike who was living near her home. I didn't want to include him but I didn't have any other option.(as I'm always out of options). She was going to go to college to ask about result. But she didn't got anything. While I reached her college she ask me whether I do have some amount with myself. I said leave about the amount whatever will be today it will all be from me. She had almost some amount with her but I knew that much won't be enough cause it was me who was going to go with her and I won't let her take any shit things. (Practically I used to spends days on women's shopping online). We reached Phoenix around 10.00 am in morning. Well none of the shops were open. I was hungry and also I needed something to cheer her up. (Coke float is the best option to cheer her up :P) We went to the Mcd and ordered. I have the habit of only eating even if she's with me but that day I was not only eating but also talking with her. I ask her, "whether I look different today and even behave different." and her answer was yes. I knew I was trying to be the person whom she loved and was lost in these 3 years. She was actually listening to things that I was saying. Showing her interest also. Love you for this :*. Well we started with our shopping around 11.00. She didn't like what we were seeing maybe she was not going to the right shop I guess. Now it was BEBE time. Well the shop "Bebe" probably most amazing shop I've ever seen. We both loved one, one gown from this shop and I wanted her to get any one of those. She went for the trials. Well her cellphone was with me rather with no password. I did opened her what's app to see what she's upto. Got eyes on some people I did thought of taking their numbers but that would have been cheap thing that I always did. So this time it was nothing to be done. I didn't want to break her trust from now on and ignored what all I had seen. She was okay with one gown but the one which I liked she didn't want to take it. It was too open at the back. I couldn't believe what she said next,"Nik it's not your party that I would have to go backless I don't even know his friends I'll have to look little decent. If it was your's then we could have taken this one." Idiot why couldn't you understand it's my party. More over she did loved what she was wearing. As I came out I told the girl to make the bill. Well the amount was too high but I was okay with it. But first I thought of telling her I shouldn't have done that. One thing she loved which I had chosen and why should I ask her whether she wants it or not. As we were making the bill she asked how much it is.? When she came to know about the amount she just ignored me and started going out. I asked what happened. She was like why you want to take so high priced thing what am I gonna tell at home and more over it's not your party and I couldn't pay back to you that much right now. I didn't want to win her by my money but I just wanted her to know whatever she will like hence forth I'm capable of giving those things to her. She still was not ready to listen to me so we decided to come back when she'll have the job and we both would take it together. ( the backless one next time). As we moved out her mood was off again. As "D" I did said to her that we'll go for bowling after the dinner but why to let this moment go. We went for bowling that to double rounds. As we started she was not able to get one pin bowled. Well some times she did bowled but most of times it was nothing. Well there was no rush on the floor so I thought of teaching her or just holding her and letting her bowl. To our surprise she was able to get more pins bowled this time. She was having fun her mood was changing she was being happy. What best thing can a person have when someone is smiling cause of one's efforts. After one round I told her we are going to take shots. She didn't want to but it was New Year time and we were together after so long celebrating and we were actually celebrating also. Shopping being together, spending some happy time. She didn't say anything cause she knew if I decide something I don't back off. But drinks were not available for people below 25 year age. Fucking rule. The next round I allowed her to play by my name and I couldn't believe that she was playing better than me. Well I taunted her saying that how lucky my name is. Change your name to ..... Nikhil Taware. She was like , "shut up idiot don't think anything" She was literally enjoying that's all that I want her to do in her whole life. Well it was time for us to leave that mall as she couldn't find anything for her to take. While going I asked her for New Year gift. A simple hug. I knew she wasn't going to give but couldn't stop myself from asking. She ignored well I got a little furious and we went straight to Central Mall on University Road. I wasn't interested in going inside not because she said no for a hug but for the reason she was still being not open with me in talking. And she must be thinking that a relation is all about being physical for me. Stupid girl try to understand this idiot once.
Her facial expressions dropped and she started showing her emotional eyes. It literally kills I know the feeling. I took her, held her at back and went inside. We went to the women's department and took some tops for her to try and she did choose the one which I had chosen. We went to the cosmetics store and she did picked up hell of things from there. Well it was me who said her to take everything besides the eye liner. (I hate when she puts it) But according to her since I was not going to be there she had to take. As we were making the bill for the cosmetics I did liked a jewellery set She was busy in billing section (my card was with her in Central for the whole time to use without any limits) As she came close to the table I urged her to try it. It was looking beautiful on her, and then as she liked it was packed and ready. I didn't want to stop that day for doing anything as I said before it was nothing about the amount spend. It was me being capable of to fulfill all her wishes. Later we went to the Bhandarkar road but still she was upset. The "Bebe" gown was in her mind I knew it. 2 days later we again went to the Koregaon Park and all we got was nothing. Then I asked her to change her idea instead of wearing long one wear the short one. The we again started looking for the short one piece dresses but still even I didn't like any. Today we went to SGS Mall in Camp. Again nothing was available which would steal our hearts as it did at the "Bebe". I did gave a thought why to ask her if she want's it or not she likes it loves that dress I should have given her as a surprise. But that was too much and she would think I'm doing this to impress her.

Today morning I booked the car. I was not sure whether everything was going to go right or not but all I had to do is leave everything upto God now. "M@nu it's nothing that whatever I'm doing is to impress you. Spending on you, giving up my wallet or my card in your hands without any restrictions nothing like that, and even if things were with you, you didn't took any advantage of it. I know love cannot be achieved by these things but as I said it was only to fulfill all your needs. Which I'm able to do now.... Love you always... :*:*:*

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