5th August' 12 Chapter Eleven : Dates, Dates, Dates...

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Been a while since I didn't write in my journal. Tomorrow is my first day in college. Engineering First Year. Busy time, college admission and the pressure. I did had talk with one of her friend. I managed to impress her by telling her things about herself without seeing her. She was impressed. Well that didn't mean anything to me as to it was her friend. Well in last week of July, probably on 28th again we met at The Chocolate Room at Deccan. Good place if anyone in city want's to go out with his girl. Well we had a good moment together, one of her friend also did accompanied with us. We had ordered hot chocolate. I don't know what it was but it taste like hell. Me, seriously didn't like chocolates, since she loved I didn't had any trouble in having it, more over we were both having it together. Her friend did took snaps of us together, and we were discussing about which bike should I take. She was like don't take the one which has the seat up, like the R15 she meant I guess. Well we waited there for an hour and went home. Our dates were being frequent since the movie and I was not being comfortable to meet her. It was like twice thrice in month is okay but every week I was feeling uncomfortable. Maybe she wanted to spend time with me so I didn't have any problem. She was being happy I could see it on her face every time I used to meet her, but something was killing me from inside. I'm sorry for not telling you.

Today, being Friendship Day she urged me to meet her. Well I was also eager because last year when I met her during this day it went a little off. We decided to go to some mall, but which one? I got confused as to which mall would be good for us to spend time. We went to SGS in camp. Well a small one but had lot of fun there. While walking she stood little closer to me of course I was someone important to her and with whom she felt secure why would she not be close to me. Had Pizza at Pizza Hut, and time was for us to go back. I had got mother's moped again without informing her and last time during movie she was very furious. So I had to urge her to hurry up so we can go home.Her sissy was also calling her so we had to leave. I was going to tell her today but I didn't have much time to tell her. So we just went off. Dates were being too happy for us. Actually even I did enjoyed every moment, but as I was not open with her I couldn't be the person whom she saw me before saying yes to me. Yes I did change when I proposed her. I have to change some things before I completely become her. Maybe I rushed with asking her to be with me, since I did, now I have to keep her away from certain things from my life. I need her to hate me now for who I'm. This was going to be a difficult decision for me to take today, but I've to. I hope you'll understand it soon some day that why I took such decision right at start of our relation. I think I'll have no need to explain this to you cause I've seen your trust, but things I'm gonna do they are going to make you hate me forever. Do forgive me. Time for bed I've got college tomorrow. Love you always...

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