12th June' 11 Chapter Two : The First Date in City...

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College had started. It was almost two weeks after the end of the trip. A random call came from her saying that she wanted to meet. Well I also wanted to meet her but I didn't knew that she would meet me after the last conversation that we had. She told me how to come at her place. It was quite far from where I used to live. I asked my friend to lend me his moped so that I would go and meet her. As I was going the moped started giving problem. After some time it started. I went to pick her up. She was looking as the most beautiful girl to me. The worst thing happened while going. traffic police caught us. I never had licence with me and we had to pay fine for not following traffic rule.

We went to the Mcd at Deccan, Pune. While having burger she said that she lied to me about the guy she told me about. I did said that I knew when she told me and I was waiting for her to tell me the truth. I was little hurt when she told me about the guy. I didn't knew why I was feeling that way. All I can do that day was just listen to what she has to talk about. I was very curious about whatever she was talking about. That day I guess I did find the best friend to me. Well a friend whom I wanted to take this relation ahead in way different way. Since we did not spend much time together I thought I was rushing too fast with things between us and thought of not letting out my feelings to her ever. As we concluded our talks it was time for us to go back. Again I had to drop her off at her hostel, as she was staying at hostel.

After leaving her it occurred to me why am I getting to much concerned about her, about her life, her work, her studies and everything else. Since I didn't had any feeling for her naturally I thought it maybe just a random thought about her in my mind thus ending an awesome day for me...

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