23rd January'15 Chapter Twenty Two : The 528491...

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Again a long time for me to write things down. Well first I would like to write about a very special person who was there for me actually when I needed someone to support me or guide me with my decisions. Well me being a gamer I wanted to become now the awesome player on keys whom everyone would respect. I had got year down in my academic as I had decided. People started hating me and this person probably from the gaming world was always there for me. I don't know why I used to get up at night 2.00am to talk to him and we used to have talks till morning 6 until he went off to sleep. Probably he was not from India that's why I had to stay awake from night 2.00 am till morning 6.00 that's when my time used to get start for daily thing. In him I could find myself somewhere. Staying away form people trying to live life on own, interested in new topics always, discussing ideas thoughts. at first he was not to open with me only used to discuss about his achievements, but later as our talk increased we were like buddies who would wait for each other's message. I did told him about "The Girl" and he did suggested me some things I don't know when I'm going to do those things. Well today first I would like to thank you Friend for being with me and hoping to meet you soon or be your friend untill life ends.

Well during Diwali I went with my brother and sister to Golden Temple in Chennai. While returning at my aunty's place I was told to sit for the Bhaubeej ritual and one of idiot cousin told her to carry the ritual with me. I walked out of that room in front of everyone. I mean that was a sacred thing for brother and sister and they want me to have that ritual with her. I called my aunty and said do the hell I'm not going to do it. Doesn't that cousin knows what's between us or she's just trying to insult me in front of everyone. That cousin came and aunty scolded her for what she did. Till we went out they were preparing to leave. It was 28th October and as usual I used to celebrate the Bday day today. Later on her birthday she said that she's going out with her friend for a date. Probably she wanted to show me that she has moved on from me. I had planned a lovely surprise for her on 12th November. The Sky balloons or sky lanterns, They were floating in the sky in front of her building that was too awesome but she didn't came out in the gallery to see it. I was sad not because she didn't came out but she was not able to see that romantic thing that I had done for her at night. Next morning I wanted to see her for the entire day not to see whom she's going to go but it was her birthday and how can I miss it. She was looking beautiful today obviously it was her birthday she will be lokking awesome. After her college she went with her friends at the hotel near her college and when I ask where are you said I'm with my friend don't disturb me. I waited for her like whole day but couldn't go and talk to her or wish her. Her new friends didn't knew me and most probably I hate them so there was no reason for me to go and talk to anyone one of them. On 31st December I saw her tagged in a post and it was Myras probably drinks were also there I rushed myself there but she had already left. I guess she must have tried drinks that day. It was event time and this year it was time for "528491" to rock during the events. I was having my final match on 16 and I got a text from her saying I need to talk. She wanted me to delete her photographs and video of the birthday that I had with me. I ignored as I said that's the only thing that keeps me happy and I'm not going to let those things out. I had kept our pic as the wallpaper and my computer and cell phone are the most secure things that I have. No one can get in my computer and cell phone without entering the password besides her. Only she can get into my system. She wanted to talk but I said do anything I'm not going to delete those things and don't disturb me I'm having my events and I don't want to spoil the name of "528491" in gaming in Pune. She knew for me how important "528491" my gaming name is and probably it was her. I won 2 tournaments back to back single handed. I text her on 20th saying to speak what you have to. That day we talked again till morning 3.00 am. For the first time she gave me her photographs. I had said to her I want to see you in new way let me see, and there she sent her photographs. She knows I won't anything happen to her. Before sleeping we planned to meet again. It was long time and I really wanted to meet. Untill she spoiled my mood by saying to bring Shri also. Why him. Damned idiot it was me who's talking can't you even understand it.? Obviously I was covering up my tracks in such a manner that she didn't notice this. I have to tell her but things were going right so I ignored. I had to get that guy back.

On 21st we decided to meet. It was 2 years I didn't celebrate her birthday and as I was capable of doing things on my own from my earning I got a small surprise for her. Her favourite chocolate cake and chocolates. Small but sweet things. I couldn't do much than this still. We did spend a good time. Later as we were walking in the park I urged her to tell the truth about the guy she was talking about to me. She called that guy I thought she was faking and I did hear a guy's voice. I got angry and in that I did twist her hand and hugged her. Well I did hurt her and also took her close to me. What kind of person does this thing to his girl? First he'll hurt her and then make her close to himself. We had to go home. I didn't want to miss this moment that I was having but time was never on our side and we had to part away. "M@nu I've gottta tell things to you but I don't know when I'll have the courage to tell you. I'll always love you don't leave me. Whatever I'm doing I know the consequences and hoping that you will understand some day. Love You always." :* :* :*

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