28th October' 11 Chapter Three : First Movie...

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It was around a month we didn't meet. After our first meet at the Mcd we did meet twice, once on Friendship day where we went to khadakwasla, and later with her elder sister. It was quite long time we didn't meet. Thought of giving a random call to her and talked about how the semester was going. It was quite well for me, she seemed to be little off with her exams. As I was going to ask her whether we should go out together again she asked me whether we can go for a movie if possible. I said alright just tell me when you'll be having your last paper we'll go that day itself.

My exams had already got over and since it was our 12 I used to attend only my practicals. Once again I took my same old friend's moped and went to City Pride on University Road. She was insisting on seeing the MOD movie. I was never a big fan of Bollywood movies and some how convinced her to accompany me for a Hollywood movie. The movie was The Three Musketeers. I could understand that she won't understand most of the movie but I guess she was actually enjoying the movie itself. I was totally in the movie. I don't know whether she did enjoyed the movie or not but I asked her how the movie was. Her reaction was normal I knew she was not happy with the movie and later we went to the Mcd again. That spot had become a regular place for both of us to meet I guess. Same Mcd same place most of the times.

It was going to be diwali vacations after our movie and she had to do some packing. So didn't had much time to be together after the movie. Again had to drop her off as it had been a regular thing for both of us. All I could say to my own was that I was really missing her everyday...

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