28th June' 12 Chapter Eight: The Proposal...

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Well today I had to collect my documents for the admission. since morning I was busy and she was texting constantly saying want to talk about where I was, my college has started when is yours starting. I was not in mood today as I was pressurized by the documents not being available with me. I had to go to the collector's office for my Certificates. Today I wasn't feeling as usual. So thought of saying things to her. "The Woman" had also told to do the same to tell her my feelings as soon as I can. Maybe today was the time for me to tell her. So I said I wanna tell you about my girlfriend. I've found one but don't know how to tell her. She started asking me about my girlfriend. As I had told her that I'm going to propose her today. Maybe she had an idea that the girl I'm talking about is she, but I said she's someone else. I started with my first encounter with her but mentioned some other place, then it was our first movie, she got curious when I said to her that I had invited her for her birthday and I've been with her for the Titanic movie. At that moment she came to know that it was her I was talking about. Cause I had already said that I'll watch the movie only with her. She insisted me on telling her name but then I didn't replied her for 10 minutes.

I was typing a message for her including everything what I felt for her or what I was going to do further with us together. I sent her the message. There was no reply from her for sometime. She called me, asking me what exactly am I going to do.? I asked only one thing do you trust me? all she said was a clear "YES". Still she was saying, "you know the situation how are you going to handle it?" All I needed was her support. Well from that moment we were not friends we were being in a new bond. Our talks started to change. We started respecting each other. The next day I got a message saying I can't make it all along we should not be together. This thing happened for 2 days. Finally today I said, "do anything meet me today itself in your break time" She had started with her college. Probably second day and I was asking her to bunk it. I shouldn't have said it to her. Still she was firm with her decision that no I'll meet you after the college itself. I felt proud for her that she's giving priorities to her work before me. I had to wait for 2 hours from 11.00 to 1.00pm. Well it didn't matter for me as I do want to wait for her. Well in that mean time I had to get myself ready wit what am I gonna do further. What if she says no? Should I not talk to her again? But how can she say no if she had to she would have said it the first day itself. Well I was sure about what she was going to say, I had prepared a letter. A freaking 4 page. Who proposes a girl with 4 page letter.? So unromantic. Still I had something else in mind. I couldn't let her know what I was going to do ahead besides me and her. I had some family problems going on at home and I needed to solve them first. I thought of not letting her know about what was happening with me personally as it would upset her. She used to get upset easily and I didn't want to spoil her happiness. So I decided not to tell her what was going on in my life or what have I have to do further. Maybe I'll write about it later but not today. She called me up after her college, said to come near her previous college. Today she was sitting much closer than she used to sit always, but I had my bag in between, probably a foolish thing. We didn't knew where to go today so she said there is a Mcd near her college at Karve Nagar so we went there. Well I love to eat even if she's with me. Ordered something to eat and her favourite coke-float. She loves it. Well I gave her the letter and started eating, another foolish move. She was reading each and every bit of it, and after completing her eyes were filled with tears but she didn't cried. Asked me, "whether I won't give up or back off later." I was firm with my decision but I had the fear of losing her if I tell her what all was going on. I was about to tell her till then Adi called up saying there's a Party tomorrow you come. I ask him whether I can bring my girl with me? He was like alright you can. I finally proposed her and got her final yes answer. We both seem excited for tomorrow's party and she said me to drop her near her college again so she could go for her parlour. I was like you are already looking beautiful why you want to go.? She said, "girl's thing you won't understand."

I left her but I wasn't happy today. I lied to her. Sorry didn't lied but I was keeping her in dark about myself. I do want to tell you but maybe this is not the right time for me to tell you. I need to solve some things, soon enough you come to know about what I was doing. After an hour she called up and said I couldn't come tomorrow. I was like fine even I'm not going to go. She said don't be like that your friends will say his girlfriend is not even allowing him with his friends. Well she was giving me my space I should keep this thing in my mind...

Love you "The Girl"...

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