23rd June' 12 Chapter Seven: The First Night Talk And The Decision...

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Till now our relation had started to bloom as more than friends. Frequent chats was all in which we were happy. The results came out. 12th standard results. The time for us to decide what we have to do with our own future. Well I was planning to go for biotechnology in VP College, Baramati, but when I called her she said she's opting for BCA. At that moment I changed my field and said I'm gonna do IT Engineering. Mother was shocked how can I choose this field. It was not that I wasn't aware what IT Engg consisted of it was pure software and coding. While filling up the form I was told to put either ENTC or CS Engg, but I had made a decision which I knew I couldn't regret ahead.

One of our cousin had given birth to a baby boy and had his name ceremony. (giving name to new born kid, Hindu Tradition) I was never interested in attending family functions, since she was going to come I wanted to see her again. She had became a part of my life which I wanted to keep always with me. Well, as usual she came late with her parents and sister, and as she arrived she didn't even thought of looking at me as I was standing to greet her. Went straight inside to the kid. Well even I love kids. Small cute pie kids. We both sat near our cousin but still she didn't speak a word with me. Later after the lunch we went to a temple there also she wasn't interested in talking. Well her mother asked me to find a job for her elder sister who was living in Pune. I said, "I'll do something about it." The same evening my grandfather invited their family for dinner, as her place was about an hour drive. So they agreed to wait for the dinner. My cousin brother was teasing me saying there is your girlfriend eating in front of you. I didn't pay attention to him. After dinner they were leaving. Still she didn't said a word to me nor looked at me, but I don't know why today I was feeling okay with her this behaviour. She sat in the car and while leaving at last moment I thought she would wave her hand but that also didn't happen. Then I got nervous and went in my cousin's room to sleep. My cell phone buzzed. It was a message and when I opened the text it was from her saying "I'm sorry bye". I could understand why she had to do it. We didn't want everyone to know that we are being together. Our family were not okay with us talking to each other. I don't know about her family but I was not allowed to talk with her but still we were talking and going out secretly. I said, "let's talk tonight whole time." She said, "if you could wait for whole day why can't you wait for another hour." I was like why is she being such a human today.? She was not like this always. she messaged me after an hour and she was punctual today. We started talking. The first talk I had with any girl for the whole night. It was 11.30 at night and my brother asked me, "don't you have to go tomorrow.?" I had to leave for my home since I had to fill my admission form. I said you sleep "I'll handle it in morning." He didn't knew with whom I was talking. Around 1.00 I text another girl. Well she also has a place in my life referred as "The Woman". But I had to face some problem today as I was talking to both I just ask "The Woman" to meet me the next day as it was very important to meet, and concluded my chat with "The Woman". Me and "The Girl" we concluded our chat at morning 4. I said to her that I need to sleep as I've my bus at morning 6 and I've to meet someone very important. She started asking whom you are going to meet. I said a girl and she said then alright good night. I guess she got jealous by the way she replied. I text her that maybe we couldn't talk today as there was only a 100 message per day limit and she wasn't using What's App. To which she didn't replied. That was the worst thing I must have ever said to her. I had to rush for my morning 6.00 bus as usual. My brother and me we used to get up 10 minutes early and used to follow the bus untill it used to stop. I needed to sleep as I was going to meet someone. Later my cell phone started buzzing but as I was in sleep I didn't receive it and didn't even see who was calling. The moment I got up there were 5 missed call from "The Girl".

What on earth was so important that she had to call me 5 times.? I called back and ask, "didn't you went to sleep?" She said, "I just wanted to say good morning." I was like, "you dumb girl so you could have text me" to which she replied, "this was a better way as nobody was there with her that time." We talked for some time and hang up her call. I met "The Woman" and told her that I found someone and talked about her. She said, "it's your decision. If you think she's worthy and you can keep up then go on." As she knew I was never good at keeping relations if someone hurts me. It was time for me to think what exactly I have to do for both of us. (Me and "The Girl"). Today I had to fill final form for my admission. I gave a second thought that should I fill up CS and ENTC, but no I choose all IT colleges. Today I had decided that soon I'll be saying things to her, but how to say them...???

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