28th June'14 Chapter Twenty : My Decision...

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I'm using symbian cell and what's app for the last 4 years and I wanted her also to use it as it was convinent. So finally she got an android. I had to attend a family function and her parents were also going to come. Recently when I was in Mumbai I found her number on what's app and sent her message. She was out of town with her family. Her parents were going to come for that family function and I was eager to go as I had thought she may also come. In month of May one of my aunty and her husband did talk to me about her. I was firm on my decision and I told them not to get involved into my life about her. I didn't want anyone to come between me and her cause every time someone came I was getting away from her. I ask her whether she was going to come for that family function she said, "no I'm having my class." Probably it was her last year of Graduation so maybe project class. On 6th I decided to tell her everything that I did. Not exactly everything but the thing that I talk as Shri. During the function I told my granny (whom I love the most) that I want to go home to Pune. I was not feeling comfortable to leave her but I had to go. I had to tell her the truth cause I know I can't hide things too long from her.

So I left from my village and while coming back I told her everything how I did, how I managed to make her feel that it was Shri who was talking. After listening to everything she got furious and blocked me. I had said everything that I had to tell her. Later my aunty who did visit me in May she had her "Vastu Shanti" of her house in the city. Probably me and mother were invited for an overnight stay. She came for the dinner at Bramha Hotel along with her cousin and my brother and sister were also there. Probably all relatives were there (Close Ones). At night she came for the stay and she was constantly talking with someone on what's app. I was continuing to talk as Shri still with her. I know I shouldn't have done that again but she was friendly with him and used to share everything. She was acting suspicious. The whole night I was looking at her. Probably she was sleeping besides me. There was a uncle besides me and she was after that uncle a little far but I could see her. Really that day I understood how beautiful a person looks when one is sleeping. The next morning she went at her place and got ready and came back. God damned she was again looking awesome in Indian suit. Her front was too wide this time I was horrified as to why does she has to wear something that makes me mad about her. I had to control my horses. In afternoon her mother and their sister's said that they want to meet mother as she had an operation. We couldn't go as it was the Palkhi time (hindu ritual of Sant. Dnaneshwar) so we had to come back. I got message from her where is my mother tell me. I said she's safe with me don't worry. Still she was asking tell me where she is.? I mean what the ****. Was I gonna do anything to her mother? I didn't replied then. Later in evening I asked my brother tot take everyone to eat Chat. ( bhelpuri panipuri). There she was constantly talking on cell phone with some one. There were only cousins so I could have talked to her as I was talking as Shri with her. I got so furious and told one of my cousins to tell her that I want to end this relation forever now and I want my gifts back. She later agreed and we decided to meet on 28th June. The day when we started thought of ending on the same day. For the whole week from 16th June till 27th June I tried to convince her again as Shri that we didn't have to do this thing of breaking up. But then she said I don't know what is going to happen I'll see what will happen. Even she was not confirmed that she really want to end this relation or not.

Today we had to meet. In morning I knew she did like my shirt that I had put on during the "Vastu Shanti" as she had said to Shri that first time that person has put on something decent. So I thought of putting on the same shirt. Today she was replying me. Well I was curious as to what she was wearing so I ask her what was she wearing and she knew what I like and said the same that I had worn on the Vastu Shanti evening. I did like her top that she had put on that day. I didn't want to breakup or to end the relation today but I was so angry that I didn't want this relation to keep going on cause I knew I was going to get a year down in my academics. And I didn't want her to be with me in my worst time. I had planned things and I had to make them work first. As it was going to be the last day from my side with her I thought of giving her a small surprise. Probably I was not working so I couldn't give her anything. I thought of why don't I take her to all places today that we went together. As she came I said, "Today is going to be a good day for you, we are having 45 minutes exact try and remember where we are going to go. Let's start from here itself." I was waiting near the Chocolate room. We started the ride, She was like where am I going to take her. The second destination was Esquare where we had our very first movie, Three Musketeers. Then she said are you going to take me to every place that we've been together? I was amazed as how could she say that thing? It was just the second place and she came to know what I was going to do. So I asked her what will be the next place. Probably it was SGS mall. After that Adlabs and finally we went to Pulse mall. Well there no shit person can come and it's the safest place in Pune to have a perfect coffee. We sat there for sometime and then I started to say things to her. I didn't know what I was going to tell her but I spoke directly from heart. I was talking so emotional that there were tears in our eyes. Yes even her eyes were filled with tears but we didn't cried. As I finished I typed a post on Social Network saying, "Having you back will be the best gift for me today." And I gave her greeting which I had torn to pieces last week, along with her keychain that we had kept for so long time with each other. I tried to text from Shri's no as to what had she decided but she didn't replied to him. I knew she didn't want to do what she was doing today but the things I had done were worse, and still I was continuing to do it talking as Shri. We left thinking of never to meet again or anything...

In evening she was still having talk with Shri but I thought of talking to her as a friend only just normal talks and the day ended with tears in my eyes... Love you always m@nu probably first time I called her as m@nu while saying love you... :( :( :( :* :* :*

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