31st July'15 Chapter Twenty Three : Welcome To MIT's...

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I should keep writing daily but I do write some important date, events and incidents or just keep them in my visual memories as I can recall them whenever I need. All I've to do is to just mark the dates so I can remember everything from that day. After the birthday celebration I had become the unbeatable player besides I lost couple of events but overall I was the people's champion. More over people had become fan of me as my game play was awesome. She started behaving weird again and started ignoring me during her exams. She already had her subject critical and and that subject was a handy one for me. Some how I did manage to send her my personal notes I don't know did she referred them or not.

She had applied for MCA entrance exam and I was able to get into her account (exam Account) to find out where her exam centre was. All I had to do is enter her password. She is so predictable I didn't have to try much the account got opened in just one try. I went at the exam centre and all I had to see is her sister with her. It pissed me out. I could see from her face that she didn't prepare well and God knows what wil happen. She went for the exam and I was roaming out and her sister came in front of me. Why do people have to come always in between. She said she wanted to talk something important I knew all she's going to ask is what is going on between me and her. Or why I was here in this college. I had been prepared for these questions as soon as I saw her. All I said was that person is the most important person for me and I'll never leave her." She looked worried and I know she was worried as to it was about her family's reputaion and I never revealed about me and her to anyone outside. Maybe I've mentioned about my relation but never told anyone who the girl is. Later it was Cho's birthday and that day I tried my very first beer. Well this time the taste was awesome. Later in month of May I used to have beer for almost three time's a week. That means in month of May I had beer 12 times. Worst thing for me. Her result was awful but still she managed to get the MIT's. I was so happy about it. I knew that one day she will come to MIT's. It was not my college but I had always dreamed of her coming to MIT's. One morning I got text from her asking for Shri's contact number. Shri was also in MIT's but in different section. I then came to know that her college has been started. I went to the college to confirm and there she was sitting near the window. As soon as she turned this side I took off, probably she didn't see me. I was so happy to see her after a long time. Probably it was 5 months or 6 maybe and all I had a glimpse of her for just 1 second. I should have met her but I know I had been doing wrong things so I ignored and called up Shri saying we have to meet her tomorrow.

Today I dressed up in white, the way she want to see me always. Well she didn't know I was going to come. But everytime when me and Shri used to go like this I used to end up meeting her first and then Shri. I hoped this wouldn't happen today but I was wrong. As we were searching for her during break she came in front of me first. Damned why does this has to happen always and there came Shri, from back. What the hell thing. I urged her not to go for break today and I need to talk. She agreed and Shri took us to a quiet place. Well other students were also there but everyone was minding their own business. She was sitting next to Shri that made me more mad and crazy. Well she was in kurtis as tops weren't allowed I guess. Well as I've always said beauty of a girl lies in Indian suits always. It was time for her lecture I didn't want her to go but Shri however made her stay and she did stay. Later the rush was increasing so I ask Shri to find some other quiet place and he took us further ahead. We had to climb almost 50 stairs it was like 6th floor if to be compared. There I was sitting close to her besides her feet I know this was being stupid act but she was my girl how could I not spend some time with her. Not physically but just a normal touch. She was okay with what I was doing. We talk about how I came to know about the MIT then her entrance exam how I came to know about it. She asked me why I had only one answer I just wanted to see you. I was hungry so we went to the Pharmacy canteen where I showed her recent posts on my social network wall that were meant only for her and my achievements in gaming. While reading the posts she remained silent as she came to know how I was feeling in recent months. Today I didn't said anything to her about coming back to me cause her silence was the answer for all my questions. I asked her out but she declined. After sometime we went back to her college as her sister was going to come pick her up. They had to do some shopping and she had to go. I didn't want her to go but it was time for her to leave. I couldn't tell her that I've had another year down in my academic but I smelled something fishy when I ask her about her marks did she actually cleared all her subjects cause as far as I know her she could never lie to me at least when I'm in front of her. I know when she lies and when she doesn't. I couldn't get my hands on her result as she was being little secretive.

You were looking beautiful today, and I would like to see you always like this not in those jeans and tops those western things make you more sexy rather than beautiful. Well now for me your appearance didn't matter that much cause I started loving your inner virtues that you have not your physical appearance but how can I tell you this. You always thought that I want to get close to you in other way but maybe that's wrong that you are thinking. Love you always... :* :* :*

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