Chapter 8 What friends I have

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"SURPRISE" I open my eyes and they're all here. Emma, mia, myer, lily, eleyna, Mikayla, Josh, Luke and Liam.

"Oh MY GOD" I turn around and jump on Liam and hug him. "This is why you wanted to "take over"?" I ask smiling.

"Yep" his smile is so beautiful. I let go of him and go hug Lily and josh then we just end up having a group hug. But then I see our first customer but they're half an hour early.

"Um hey you know the movies don't play until another 30 minutes" and then she comes out of the dark shadows. "B-Britney?"

"I just wanted to say... I just came to get good seats" She goes silent.

"Sure um entry's ten dollars" She hands me a 10 dollar note, I go to put it away when she grabs my arm. I turn around and pull away. "Look I'm not apologising because I don't know what to apologise for" I roll my eyes. "I'm just saying thank you"

"All good" I say walking away. Its fake, she's fake, everything's fake. I've lived the life of Emily Rebone for long enough to know who's fake, because frankly our world is fake. The lies, the girls, the deaths, everything is fake until they tell you, and trust me they never tell you until you witness it. They're all staring at me. "ITS FAKE" I'm angry, I'm depressed this is exactly what josh was talking about. "I CAN'T HOLD IT IN...I've seen too much I know too much; I wish I could believe her but I can't. Because I've witnessed her."


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