CHAPTER 19 But why?

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I wake up remembering where I was. I open my eyes and see him sitting in a chair besides me. Why is he here? Hoping to not wake him up I turn over but my waist kills. "Wow what are you doing?" he says helping me sit up. "What are you doing here?" I ask.

"You're my girlfriend" He replies.

"Well I'm actually not" I reply sourly.

"Emily look I'm not making excuses but she kissed me and I know I didn't push her away fast enough and I got caught up in the moment and when I realised I was kissing her it was too late. I know it looks bad but I really didn't kiss her back and I can promise you that. She's my ex, I broke up with her because of her bad attitude not because I'm player. I'm ashamed that I wasn't fast enough but- "

"Liam can you just stop! Please don't you see we weren't meant to be I'm me and you're you. You're the pain, you're the one that caused me pain. You're the beautiful pain I said I could handle but you're The quarterback the hot guy and then there's me the tomboy the netballer not the princess of the dance troop" He tries to cut me off but I tell him I'm not finished. "I don't understand how you said we'd work things out your life is hard enough led alone me blabbing about my problems" I swallow. "As much as I want to forget I can't I love you but the truth is we can't do this I'm sorry Liam you're the best thing that's happened to me but I'm not the same for you and I just feel your better without me" I pick up his hand and smile weakly when I call for a nurse. "Visiting hour is over" I tell her as I watch Liam leave I whisper "I love you Liam" and he just stops turns and I see a tear trickle down his face.

The quarterback made me second guessWhere stories live. Discover now