CHAPTER 18 Emily's P.O.V

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I feel like jelly my arms are like blobs that forgot how to move and when I try to move my muscles stiffen up a bit. I blink before I can see clearly I'm in some hospital gown and my hairs tied back. I'm in a hospital room with a window but luckily the blinds are shut and so is the door. I try to stand but instantly fall back onto the bed my head spinning. I get up again and see my formal dress and shoes on the couch beside it I see a pair of tracksuit pants, a hoodie and a pair of converse. I grab the outfit and have a shower I sit on the floor in the shower to prevent slips (I know I know seems gross but I really don't want to stay in this hospital for another 2 weeks or whatever). I dry up and get changed into my comfortable lazy outfit and brush my long blonde hair, putting it into a messy bun. I grab my phone from my beside and turn it on when It turns on I realise the time 4:38am. All the messages and voicemails it's unbelievable. Just when I thought I was falling through the cracks and the pain. I scrummage through the draws of my bedside and look for a pen and paper no luck so instead I grab the whiteboard marker and write on the whiteboard. 'Liam can't you see we weren't meant to be I knew you liked Brit from the first day you saw her-you just stared and I knew I had no hope. But you surprised me and said hey you helped me through my toughest and darkest times. I thought I had nothing to live for and then you walked in my life and before I could say hey back it turned into goodbye' a tear runs down my face. I keep writing 'you were me, we were a team you and me against the world but its ok everyone leaves me' I sign my name with two kisses and leave it on my bed I don't bother about my prom dress or shoes I just leave my room making a run for it taking my phone with me. I turn to the back of the building exiting out of the emergency area with my hood over my head. No one will pay attention to me or not even see me. I'm out where do I go? What do I do? Its New York for heaven's sake just walk on the street and you won't be noticed but if I have another heart attack that'd be bad. I'm lost. Not literally just my thoughts and what to do. I need to talk. I turn into Robison Street and walk into Starbucks hopefully to see Lora a friend of mine from year 10. I look for her but its 5 in the morning who'd be at work this early but it did surprise me the amount of people on the streets. Where shall I go next? Somewhere no one will know. But I just end up at the beach...again. Why though? Wait, this is where it happened when I was knocked out. Liam kissed her and then I was in this tree and then...then I was gone. I sit on the beach and burry my feet in the sand. Liam must have seen the message by now because I'm getting several messages. Shut phone down. I lay in the sand feeling the sun warm up my cheeks. I smile. Him. The memories. Note to self: they're just memories. I stare into the sky and start to sing Kill em with kindness by Selena Gomez. I start to whistle to the beat 'Your lies are bullets, your mouths a gun' I keep singing with no worries in the world. What I did was right...was it? Are you really fine? I push These thoughts away and keep singing while lying in the sand. The suns going down and I feel a hand on my shoulder. The last person I expected to see. Ryan. "What are you doing here?"

"I heard the rebel ran away from the hospital"

"What's your point?"

"That you don't want to be alone" He grabs my arm and before I know it I'm in his car and we pull up to a bar. When he gets out of the car I just sit there and he says "Coming?"

"Nope" I reply. "I don't drink"

"Come on he says one time"

"No" I say shutting the door.

"Fine I'll just go while you stay here" he says locking the car.

"Whatever" By the time Ryan returns it's been at least two hours. He gets in the car half drunk and starts the engine. "Wow you are NOT driving" I say.

"Then what am I doing" he says speeding out of the carpark. I quickly fasten my seatbelt knowing I'm not going to get out of this car. I plead Ryan to slow down but he just goes faster. That's until we almost have a head on collusion with another car. We speed and swerve to the other side of the road, the car rolling and I've been smacked out of the car by the airbag luckily the cars still on its four wheels. Ryan then shuts my door and speeds off. "RYAN!" I yell. I feel pain on my waist and I look down to see a stick stuck right into my flesh. I see pool of blood running out of it. I look around for my phone it's not too far away so I drag myself to it. Location service is on but I have no service. I manage to drag myself up to the road and try to call Liam. Line busy. So instead I call Josh. "Where are you?!EMILY!"

"Josh calm down I'm on the road I need help I'm near the RAZOR AZ BAR please hurry" I hear the sound of the car door slam and his speeding. "Josh slow down!"

"I'm almost here just wait"

"yeah I can hear you slow down I'm here" I start waving and he stops and runs out seeing my injury. He carries me into his car and were off to the hospital. When we're there he carries me to my room and I'm surrounded by doctors.

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