CHAPTER 15 Does this meaning a new beginning? Liam's P.O.V

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"Where's Emily?"

"I don't know she was at the beach last time I saw her"

"Look Ryan I don't really care if you two hooked up I need to speak to her"

"I'm being honest we were at the beach and then she ran but she couldn't have gone far because her location services were on and when I was at home I doubled checked to see where she was and her phone seemed to have no service"

"Meaning she wasn't at a hotel, her home or a shop. Thanks Ryan" I jump into my Black lambo and head to the beach. I call Mikayla for the 100th time and she finally answers. After the lecture I tell her the new information Ryan has given me and she's meeting me at the beach. I pull up at the beach and sprint out seeing the shape of a young woman lying under the tree. Mikayla follows. "EMILY! NO EMILY!!" She grabs the phone that's next to her and unlocks it. "She must have been writing a song but how did she pass out and how long for?"

"We need to call an ambulance I'll check her pulse and her heart rate whilst we wait"

"There's no service" Mikayla looks as white as a ghost.

"THEN RUN!! Run to Starbucks we can't lose her!" 20 Minutes later the ambulance has finally arrived I tell Mikayla to calm down and follow procedures but all she does is call up Mariah, Luke, Eleyna and Josh. Most of them have a go at me but I understand where they're coming from, but this isn't the time for it. I hop into the ambulance and so does Josh and the door closes. I pick up Emily's hand and pray to god that she wakes up, I can't imagine life without her. She's so bubbly and is always the first one there to help you in a horrible situation. Like that time. One time I was at dads and I had only found out mum and dad were splitting up, I was mad. So mad. But she reminded me would you rather have a step mum or no mum. She reminded me that you only live once and every day is a new day. New day new chances. You can always have another shot if you miss today, there's always tomorrow. That's what she'd tell me every day because she knew it was hard for me to meet Ranae my soon to be step mother.

"Like my mother said if you can manage a day without contacting me you can do it for the rest of your life" Josh read out.

"What?" I say my voice shaking.

"Emily's song. This is the last line she wrote before she got knocked out" The doors open and Emily is wheeled out, I burst into tears. "What will happen now? She will be my wife, she'll be the mother of our children she'll be in the coffin across of me no matter what happens" I run up to the doors of the hospital and I feel a hand on my shoulder. "Mum? Mum come back" No this time it was real it's no ghost its real but she's gone. "Liam" Mikayla whispers. "You were upset your parents had split and your mother's gone we understand that- "

"But Emily doesn't know that does she? She has to survive Mikayla"

"She will" Mikayla looks sad we all do. We walk inside and go to Emily's room I sit silently by her

Praying and hoping that she will wake up and scream PRANKED YA but that hasn't happened yet so I don't know what I'm going to do. "We're back we brought you some coffee Mikayla hands me a hot coffee. "Look man it's been 7 hours I think you should go get some rest" Luke says.

"No I'm not leaving her side she never left me I left her and it was a mistake I ended up kissing her number 1 enemy and there's no excuse for that. I want to tell her I didn't kiss Brit back but I bet she wouldn't agree"

"Liam- "

"No I'm sorry Mariah I can't"

"What about school?"

"I will go to school and come here every afternoon and sleep here" I put my head on Emily's shoulder suggesting them to stop speaking and it worked. They all leave and I crawl onto the bed and sit with Emily.

I wake up and realise the time, I tell Emily that I love her more than anything in the world and I'll be back soon and kiss her on the forehead and race home. I grab my books and head straight to school only to find out we have study sessions for every period today. So I grab my stuff out of my locker and have a quick conversation with mik and Luke and head straight to the hospital avoiding Brit.

"Afternoon Mr Adams" a nurse smiles, I smile back.

"I'm back Princess" I say holding her hand. "I think it's time I tell you that yes Brit kissed me but I didn't kiss her back and I know it looks bad because it didn't push her back, but the truth is I was caught up in the moment trust me once I realised what was going on I knew it was a no go zone. But that's when you walked in and I knew I stuffed up." I'm ashamed I stare at her and go sit on the couch and start my speech. I pick the topic 'Don't judge a book by its cover' manly because of Emily's experience but what she taught me about it. I'm part way through my speech when there's a knock on the door it's the nurse she's cleaning the bathroom and then Brit walks in. "What do you want?" I growl. "I still love you and now that she's fallen in my trap and you've kissed me we can be together; I just feel I cut it off too early-"

"NO! No way in hell am I going back to you I broke up with you because of this attitude and you're still doing it! Trying to break us up its pathetic "Brit not realising the nurse is in the bathroom tries to kiss my but the nurse throws a towel at Brit. "Do NOT mess with the Rebone family she says picking up the towel. Brit looks shocked and leaves the hospital room. How does the nurse know Emily? Are they somehow related? More questions run through my mind. But I have to push those thoughts away and study on my essay just like Emily would tell me to do. I'm just about finished when I notice the nurse standing in front of me he arms folded. "Well"


"I believe her name is Brittney and she seems like trouble"

"She's my ex of course she's trouble and I'm the one that cut it off she's crazy. She's be the sweetest girl at times and then the other the psycho killer- when I'm talking to girls are 'not spending enough time with her'" 

"Well she better watch herself and I'm sorry to say but you need to leave"

"What why?" I see doctors running into the room and then I'm pushed out.

A nurse stands near and says "don't you worry she's strong trust me" I stare at her blankly and then she's gone.

The quarterback made me second guessHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin