CHAPTER 27 Friends can break you heart too-Gnash

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I feel the tears running down my face as Liam holds me. Why? Why josh? You loved me when I couldn't love myself. I helped you every single day. Every. Single. Day. I look back to the group that are leaving. I catch josh looking at me and I feel my mascara dripping as he turns his head and gets into the car.

"Babe" Liam wipes my face. "Why do you need him? I know you guys have been through a lot but you've been through more and we have to get through this" I nod and walk back into Starbucks wiping my face and grabbing my bag when Mikayla runs and hugs me Eleyna arms folded.

"What a fucking dick" She spits. I smile.
"I taught you right" I smile weakly. "I'm just going to go get some pizza and watch Netflix sorry guys"

"Its fine text me" Mikayla says hugging me once again.

"Yeah you go pig out on the couch while Mikayla and I find our shovels" Lucas hits Eleyna she jumps and whines making me laugh. "No Emily you'll be fine really you're strong and I'm pretty sure that's where eleyna gets it from" Lucas laughs.
"Thanks" I say hugging Lucas. Luke is practically quiet; he looks like he's deep in his thoughts. "Luke you alright" He shakes his head.

"Yeah it's just I've never liked that boy the day we meet" I remember the day I introduced josh to Luke. Luke knew me so well but Josh tried to be better than him. Josh even told me Luke liked me.

"I know saying you liked me was very dog of him" I cover my mouth before realising what I've said.

"WHAT?!!" Mikayla almost screams.
"No Mikayla that was last year and I swear I've never liked him because he was YOUR crush not mine" I say honestly. She looks hurt.

"My crush liked my best friend" she says covering her mouth and then she's out in her car and off. I run after her "MIKAYLA COME BACK!!!!!!" I run after her. FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKK. OMG. Hands on my head I feel the tears of toxic running down my face. Liam right beside me. "I'm a failure" I whisper and his arms around me while I'm standing still looking into the empty car space.

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