CHAPTER 25 Last day

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"Hey" I say hoping into Mikayla's car.

"Last day" She says smiling.

"Not really it's just grabbing our things and saying our goodbyes" I say making a sad face. We crack up laughing. See that's the thing with best friends you will laugh at the stupidest things even in the worst of times. You know you have a best friend when you can't do something right and so they keep rubbing in your face that they can or when you fall over they'll help you up AFTER they've finished laughing or you have signal codes in the classroom for which answer is for question 1 whether it's putting up on finger and shrugging or putting up 2 and a 4 to help them get the question right but best friends are more than that. They know when somethings up and you don't have to say a word. They read you like a book and they'll always be there for you and that's what I love. "Emily you left this at my house" Eleyna says from the backseat. It's my bra from when we did the colour run I went and had a shower at her place and her mum washed my clothes for me. I grab it and through it in my bag noticing we're at school. "It's not like Liam hasn't seen a bra before"

"Not mine" I say going red faced. They start to laugh and I grab my bag. "Coming" I say rolling my eyes. "Hey look the Rebel's here" Brittany says. I reach my locker and there's photos all over it of me and the students and teachers. I open it and there's a piece of paper. It reads 'Dear Rebel, I am going to miss you, through all my hardships you've had it harder. I've watched you grow since your junior years and I've seen you sprout into a beautiful flower you just need to remember that your dad might be gone but I'm not remember that Rebel because he is the one that made you as tough as you are but I also want you to know we should catch up and have some more training sessions like we used to. Remember you were Rebel Boxer. Anyways I'm going to remember the schools Rebel we did need someone to set my daughter right. Brittany just wouldn't listen to me. Goodbye Rebel.' It's not signed off or anything but I know exactly who it's from. Brittany's dad he was best friends with my dad but when Brittany started feeling I was 'too cool for her' because I was always working out with the punching bag or playing soccer she left me. She loved girly stuff and I loved boyish things. I smile at the thought of my dad and Tom. "Emily" I turn and see Tom. He nods to me. "Thank you Mr. Lowshet" I whisper.
"Rebel dear, I think someone's waiting for you" He says pointing to Liam. I smile and Mr. Lowshet leaves.

"Liam" I hug him and smile. When he doesn't hug me back I start to worry. That's when he pulls a bunch of roses from behind his back. "Oh my god Liam" I say pulling his head to mine.

"I can't let the princess go a day without being herself we all know she loves roses as much as she loves motorbikes" We both crack up laughing and he pulls me in for a kiss.

"Ok break it up love birds grab your books and let's get out of here" Mikayla says rolling her eyes.

"Don't you want to say good bye to the teachers?" Liam asks raising an eyebrow.

"Hell no!" I say slamming my locker shut. "It's last day I don't want any of these teachers trying to suck up to me. These last weeks' they've really been annoying" I laugh. "I've already said good bye to the most important teacher so let's get moving" I say. I pick up my bag not knowing it's still open and my bra falls out. "Forgetting something" Liam smirks. I snatch it off him and shove it in my bag. "Not like I haven't seen your bra before" He laughs.

"Hey!" I hit him on the shoulder. "Great to know you're having fun but I'm not" I say walking away. "We're going where?"

"Starbucks" Lucas answers. "Grab something to eat and hang out I guess"

"Ok see you there" I say hoping into Liam's car. As soon as we're on the road I have to ask him. "When did you see my bra?" I say raising an eyebrow.
"Don't play innocent Rebone"

"No really when? Tell me because you've totally seen it" I smirk.

"Remember when you fell from the tree because of 'Starbucks' gang?"


"Well you were in hospital for a while and you were pretty much half dead so who dressed you?" He laughs. My mouth drops but it makes sense. It just makes him laugh harder and I cross my arms taking the AUX cord. He looks at me like I'm some evil spirit but I really don't care. I pump up Selena Gomez. *HEART EYES*

"NEXT SONG" I yell over the radio. As the song finishes I put on Wavy by Ty Dolla $ign. And I watch him smile.

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