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I wake up to the sound of Connor yelling in my face. Retard. I look at my clock on my wall and literally grab my stuff and sprint. I grab my keys and get to school just in time for homeroom. The bell goes for first period and I tell myself I have to stay on track and do this work. Surprisingly the day goes faster than I expected. And I actually played a game of football with the boys at lunch. I feel like I need to priority Emily but school and friends as well. I'm about to get into my car when Josh asks if he can come to the hospital too. "Yeah" I smile. The car trip was pretty good I had to admit but it was when we got to the hospital it all went downhill or that's what we expected. Yesterday Emily's blood wasn't lowering it was going up, to the usual and that's why the doctors came in to see what was happening. I watch her through the glass she has to wake up soon.

The quarterback made me second guessWhere stories live. Discover now