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"Well It looks like you guys managed to set up the tent" Lily says breaking the silence.

"I did that" Luke announces. "Anyway you have customers lining up so I'm going to let you guys get to work. See ya"

"Bye" I wave, then I turn to Liam. "Let's do this"

"Ok that's the last entry I think we should start to play the movie, which reminds me what movie are we playing?"
"Well we did a vote and the movie with most votes was some romantic comedy well we actually don't know if that was voted but that's what Mrs.Thomsan said even though it's one of her favourite movies"

"Sounds fishy but I don't mind" I say staring up to Liam. "I love seeing your dorky enthusiastic side "he says.

"This birthdays going to be awesome"

"Even though you're stuck with me?"

"Even though I'm stuck with you" I wink. This night is amazing I'm just blown away, there's lights and birthday banners almost anywhere you look, probably because the boys used blue tack and they're flying around everywhere but it'll have to do. "large popcorn and slushy! Oh wait Myer this one is yours"

"Oh yeah sorry lost the ticket"

"Ha-ha all good." I turn to Liam. "And we are done!" I say throwing my gloves to the bin.

"We did it" he says with his hand in the air.

"Oh a high five? Nope scupper dive I say going under and we both break out laughing.

"Here" he hands me a large Slushy.

"Hey why do you get to hold the popcorn?"

"Because I can be trusted with it" he laughs taking a handful and shoving it in his mouth. I make stupid faces and the popcorn goes everywhere.

"Watch with me?" he asks.

"Sure I'd love to" I say taking his hand. It's so warm and mines so cold how embarrassing. We sat at the back watching the movie when Liam's father called he went away from the movie to speak on the phone. I'm on my phone when Tyler comes over. "Oh no look who's by herself"

"What do you want Tyler"

"You to sit with me" I know it's not a question but I answer anyway.

"Ugh no thanks" I say returning to my phone.

"As 'mates'" he laughs.

"Ok 1. We're not mates and 2.i said no" That was when Liam came back.

"Emily I know you like me- "Liam cuts him off.

"Dude she doesn't like you and I don't fancy a jerk hanging around my girlfriend"

"Girlfriend?" he starts laughing. Liam's about to fight back but I stop him.

"STOP! Tyler leave, Liam calm down" I say sitting back down. By then Tyler's gone and the movie has started again. We stay quiet to not disturb the movie again. But that's when Liam notices the goose bumps on my arms. "here" he hands me his jacket. I look up to him and smile while he puts it on me. Then I feel his arms wrap around me and I feel safe. Then suddenly everyone's leaving. "well that went quick "I say looking up to Liam. He looks like he's asleep so I just lay in his arms, that's when my phone starts ringing and he's instantly awake. "sorry" I whisper. "nah its good I was just day dreaming" what? Day dreaming? Oh well. "looks like its cleaning time" he says getting up. I just yawn. "I'm not that boring am I?"

"No way" I laugh getting up. We're folding up the table when my thumb slides against the metal leg. "Far out" I say sucking my thumb.

"How'd you do that?"

"I don't know I was just folding the legs of the table and I managed to slice my thumb" I say red faced.

"Well stay calm I did the first aid course last year at my old school, I'll be back stay right here"

"ok". He came back with a first aid kit. "where'd you find that?"

"Never you mind, just relax. Okay you can stop sucking your thumb now" he said applying some cream on it. "Ahh"

"Just try to relax while I bandage you up, ok?"

"I'll try"
"And done sorry if I hurt you have to put pressure on it."

"yeah its ok let's just get back to work." I go to stand but he pushes me back down.

"Ah uh you're not working I'll do it"

"I'm fine really"

"look it's my way of saying sorry for the fight" I stay quiet." I shouldn't have left you I will never do it again I promise" but that's not what I'm annoyed about.

"Girlfriend?" I say.

"Oh sorry I didn't mean to lie I just wanted him gone, like you" My eyes fill with tears.

" lied! You never liked me or felt sorry for me or even cared for me did you" I say throwing his jacket at him. Then I see Britney "You set this up it was you" I say pointing to Brit.

"no- "

"No just don't even speak ok just stop...words hurt as much as actions" I walked home crying but I couldn't face Cat I knew she would be home so I walked to the beach and sat in the sand. If you couldn't find me you'd know I was here. I pulled out my phone 28 messages mostly from Liam and Britney but I couldn't care less about them right now so I go to notes and start to write a song. I'm singing some lyrics when someone says I didn't know you could sing. I turn to meet his gaze. "That's because you don't know me" I reply. Everything goes silent even the waves I don't hear anything where's josh "h-help" I feel Liam's arms around me he says the most comforting words, that really I couldn't stay mad at him even if I wanted to. I open my eyes every thing's blurry but I'm ok. "Look" He says "I said what I wanted to soon "I look up at him.

"Emily Rebone will you be my girlfriend?" I process his words while looking at the waves.

"Yes. Yes, I will" I say resting my head on his chest. When I get home I quickly but quietly open the front door and lock it behind me and go straight to bed. I wake up to my phone buzzing I have no clue why Cats yelling get up until I remember school yay*sarcasm*I go straight to my wardrobe, grab a pair of jeans throw a t-shirt on and pack my bag. I grab an apple while running straight out the door onto the bus.

"Hey Josh"

"Hey...why are you so happy?"

"No reason "I start to smile and whisper the news to him.

"No way?"

"Yeah so after the fight with Tyler and the one while we were packing up I went to the beach and he found me"

"Well congrats"


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